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So I was reading something about following exes on social media and I want to ask that question here. Would you follow your ex on social media? As civil as I am with all of my exes, I am going to say no. Because I just feel like that's reopening a chapter of your life that you closed. And I feel like it's best to move on with, you know, good intentions. and I feel like following someone on social media and just seeing what they're up to, it's not really doing well for you or you know potentially for the other person if they're seeing those notifications come in from you. Um, and also if you have a partner, if that person has a new partner, you know, obviously it does get a bit complicated, but if this is an X from maybe very many years ago, I could see a maybe in that. But yeah, I want to hear what you guys have to say.
It depends if I'm cool with that and then you have all them on social media and see the big deal but if I'm not cool with him and Michael waste my time found somebody that I don't even Rockaway I think that's just creepy as hell
I think that there's nuance with that you know it's like if you just broke up with this person yeah don't follow them make it so that you can't forget about them for a while because you need to focus on your life and you and remember who you are a little bit probably but you know if you've been broken up for some years or if you had had an established friendship for years before you dated I think that that's probably OK if you were in a position where you're healed enough you know
I mean he dated him like 15 years ago and another one like eight years ago and ran into them randomly because their vendors I'm here thinking that still 15 second some yeah I guess you know the very things I've been cleared I don't know bad for the burning of the bridges I guess but I had to each their own
Hey, I'm gonna follow them because I'm stalking them. So how else am I supposed to be on my page? My my my main page so I'm thought I don't know but it's gonna be on that backup and they're gonna be watched every single day.
I would say no I totally agree with all the ways that you may but now I just don't feel like it's comfortable or respectful to follow your ex especially if you are in a relationship with someone else
Yeah I see Noah as well at first I used to follow my ex but you know I don't know why I think it was just like I don't I had a spy I don't know what it was but I just always when it's like I have them on my social media but like I don't know when I eventually let go that's when I was like all right he's no longer here here and you know yeah so yeah if you would definitely want to move on then definitely block and Delete