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What's an unpopular opinion you have? I'm gonna start off and I already know some people are gonna disagree with me really hard on this but I personally think milk is Disgusting and growing up seeing the Got Milk ads that celebrities would do I would look at it and be like why? like Who would want to drink that but I? I want to hear yours.
ADHD, the lower end, you know, like the smaller end of the autism spectrum scale, behavioral problems, what is it? Alzheimer's, I mean degenerative disorders and behavioral disorders and attention disorders are all caused by the Western diet, the food we intake, the processed foods. I'll live by that and I'll die by that.
I mean, I'm from Europe and we still have these things so I don't think it's the diet bestie. I don't think it's that. But that's the first time I've ever heard a take like that so props to you
Two unpopular opinions of mine are as follows. One, women should always smile, that's fucking bullshit. And two, women should really talk like this and that is fucking bullshit. So both ideas should be shoved up anyone who has them. fucking candy coated apple assholes.
I mean drinking drinking my plain white milk is crazy but light to come on you gotta think about the chocolate running by the strawberry gonna say no more fuck is the bus but I don't know about that what she wants and that's too much and that shit hey Siri this is a baby formula
OK I'm gonna get beat up from there so might get kicked off the stereo at my unpopular opinion is Beyoncé is not all of that I understand she's married to Jay Z they're both millionaires she has a huge following but I just don't see what it what it's all about bye You don't like you never have feel like she wouldn't even be all that great because she really can't seem
I haven't eaten meat in like seven years but for the first 18 years of my life I did eat meat and I must agree that I really didn't think bacon was all that.
I I think my unpopular opinion would be the NBA Youngboy is fucking garbage bro Angie Herbo like them two ****** don't give me start on all of dirt damn ***** suck bro
The Bible, it's not real. It's just like any fable, fairy tale or other story. It's just meant to give you a moral. And I was absolutely fabricated to learn that people actually believe that the things in the Bible are real and happened. Like, what?
I grew up in the Catholic Church and I always had a really hard time identifying with and agreeing with the teachings that came from the Bible and I think a lot of it is really culty and a lot of it is scary and it's like just teaching people to be good for the sake of a reward rather than being good for goodness sake if that makes any sense and I think the whole thing is all It's just fucked up.
And on top of that there's just like a lot of hateful teachings and there's a lot of hate and intolerance and discrimination against certain people and that's really like the opposite of how they try to present themselves as being like all loving and welcoming and and yet there's all these restrictions and rules and then the crazy stories that just make absolutely no sense like yeah I just don't fuck with the Bible for real
I'm not familiar with all of the stories but the whole purpose of it was to just teach people how to be more accepted by their peers, you know, like socially acceptable, but it was just written by people, like all sorts of people, so That's... they can't all be correct about everything.
Nah, but for your milk tastes bad unless it's hot chocolate. That's it. Hot chocolate, if you disagree, then you're weird. Our Cocoa Road, that's the best.