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What's something that makes you smile? Mine is pretty simple, but it's flowers. I enjoy seeing them everywhere I go, especially at the grocery store, Trader Joe specifically, and I'll pick up a bouquet and bring it home, and it just brightens up my day, and it just really honestly makes my day actually getting them too, So I figured I'd throw that out there, but yeah, let me know what makes you smile
Of course, of course, my ladies, my wife, Sinad and my wife, Bayan, I love them. They make me smile so much. My smile was spread so far from one side of my face to another that both of them kiss me with their tongues together. It's very beautiful.
And something else that makes me smile is like when people get good thanks universe not me I get bro I get happy for other people when they get good things
I don't know when like people do thoughtful things for you like it could be so simple like like hey I got you this candy because you know I know you like this one's your favorite so I got it for you and this is just a simple things are just so sweet to me I don't know
I guess the number one thing in this world that makes me smile is my daughter She and I Like peanut butter and jelly. We go together so well. We have a lot of fun Another thing that makes me smile is Seeing someone else smile Someone smiles at you and you smile back and there's that quick little connection It's a nice feeling.
When someone shows you their vulnerable side and their emotions and actually opens up and is trying to connect with you that's what makes me smile because you're taking that chance