okay last question of the night before I pass out here in bed uh I definitely forgot my question my topic okay say I'm so tired I can't oh okay I want to give you guys a tip for being in a relationship if or even just dating or for love um be patient you really need to be patient because none of us are perfect. You are not perfect, they're not perfect and life is just not as you always planned so just be patient. Obviously don't be too patient to the point where now you are imposing on your boundaries in self-respect but patient enough to and trust that someone is trying to do their best and is actively working to do that. That's all. Goodnight guys.
Yeah you're totally right I think patient comes in the form of also knowing that if this person does love and care for you that they are doing something and it's coming from a place of of love and respect so even if it seems wrong the time always have to give them the better for the doubt and I hope that it's coming from a good place before you react so great tip
Yeah, for real, I agree with your tips. If I was to give my own few tips as well, you'd probably align with a lot of the ones that you gave, be patient, be understanding, also be thoughtful of their feelings and just work together as a team and then you're not against each other. So yeah, that builds up a lot of trust from both parts of the relationship, Thank you.