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Chan Be Busy 687d
Chan Be Busy
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Good morning good morning good morning how are you doing today this is your girl Beverly Baxter and I am your financial chef hey guys look let's have a conversation today let's just have a ground for conversation and you to come on in the room grab a cuppa coffee Mrs. have a conversation so it's coffee and conversation day my question is if one income was lost in your home can your home survive Let's have a conversation and date think about that if one income in your home was lost can your home survive will the children still be able to eat will you be able to still get back-and-forth to work with gas prices being what they are let's just have a conversation today is coffee and conversation day so Hage that's just to have a conversation I want you to think about that and I really want you to answer me back and let's have some conversation going on today if income if one income in your home was lost Would your house be able to stand without having to move in with relatives without having to borrow a whole bunch of money without having to live off of the credit card let's talk today is coffee and conversation day this girl Beverly Baxter your financial chef let's have a conversation today over a cuppa coffee talk to you later bye-bye
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Being that I am the only one in my house working and making sure I things work in the house if I lost my income no I would not be able to maintain everything that's needed for my house to run because I don't have anybody else to depend on for rent car payment insurance gas bill light bill water bill like it's just me
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