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Shark came out with a rap song and honestly the lyrics love but the music video is actually hilarious like if you look closely you can see that he's pretending to hold onto the wheel and in some angles there's literally no wheel and she's all error so it's pretty hilarious given that it is Shaq but now the song definitely fire for sure let me know what y'all think y'all things is on fire now
Daddy check himself on the big screen again making big moves because that's what Shaq does but I yeah that was you know that was quite the music video you were right Can you spit you can spit
That shit is fire bro Shaq Shaquille O'Neal is my favorite basketball player like I honestly I'm gonna say he was the best basketball player in my opinion
Yeah it was actually fire but you do know shack shack been rapping along's with like before Kobe like shit I've been rapping L'Oreal sound like I don't know that and also I do feel like someone help him right that cause I could I could hear the the young missing it but should I did deliver it very well so kudos to shack
So Shaq actually is kind of dope outside of basketball so he actually DJs tune so he loves music I went to EDC for the first time last year I didn't even know he was on the lineup but I just looked up and I was like oh shit that Shaq DJing so yeah Shaq is kind of that dude
Bro I thought I was the only one who's all shack wrap my I was honestly like impressed about sex rapping skills I don't think he really other than him even though he's just a big jokester but I was pretty good
He can honestly do so much like the dude can at the dude can play ball that dude can rap like he's a pretty skilled man in this world and he's pretty blessed I wish I had more than I wish I had a time in general honestly