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Would you be able to work out with your significant other? I'm going to say no. I think he's awesome, but we have different fitness goals. And don't get me wrong, I would love to take a nice walk with him or do something together. But I think going consistently together to do a workout is not in the cards for us because, again, we just have different goals. But yeah, I would love to hear your take.
I would say yes it just depends on exactly what we're working on so working out with them all the time know so I could definitely get distracted in the moment as well but I am sometimes most definitely I feel like that's a time where you can bond with them a little bit more but like I stated just sometimes not all the time because working out is me time as well so
I am not work I go to the gym with them but obviously not work out with them because of this year like you said that you guys are different so I go to the gym with them every day but I wouldn't do my session with them like I let them go on it what do you need to know do I need to get on with and then when we're done we're done just head home
Yeah, I could work out with somebody else. It doesn't necessarily mean that I have to do that routine and work out, but they could do their own thing and I could be doing my own thing.
Yeah, yeah, I think I agree. I've gone to the gym with significant others, and like we'll go at the same time. But yeah, we've both got different fitness goals that were worth working on different things. And usually if you're both doing the same thing, usually that means someone is compromising for the other person. And we didn't, we don't want that. We want honest communication. And if someone, for some reason, you were doing some weird exercise you needed help with, we'd for sure help. but mostly just, yeah, separate goals.
He asked me and my boyfriend go to the gym together all the time will do certain things together but if for example I'm doing like booty workouts or something specifically targeting like cause guys they don't want a fat ass you know what I mean so when it's like booty like that he might go do his own bike chess arms but will definitely at least start the routine together and then maybe veer off and do our own thing