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So a lot of my friends and I, we've been talking lately and it seems that several of them are ready to take the next step in getting engaged. And we were talking about timeframes and it had me thinking, okay, let me ask you guys, what's a good timeframe to get engaged? Because I don't think there is a magic number. If I could be really honest with you, I know not everyone wants to get married. But if I had to choose a number, I would say between the two to three year mark. I think that's pretty good. But yeah, I would love to hear what you guys have to say.
I think that whenever people feel like they're ready they're ready I'm some people I think feel like they're ready to get married within a year I think 2 to 3 years is a good time frame but I feel like it's also up to the couple if they feel like they're ready and you know they've they're crazy about each other than maybe a year would work
I ain't gonna lie man, it all depends on the two people, I'll be real. Some people get married within two months, when you just know you know, that's what I believe. But yeah, some people will be talking for like five years and doing, doing them getting married. But I feel like them guys, they knew deep down the whole time that it's not really the the right one, but they'll just live it in denial.
Personally I wouldn't say there's a good time or a bad time. You know, I just feel like when you know you know, there's just one of these. When you know, you know it's a good time. There's nobody to shut down.
I would agree with a like two to three year mark depending though like you said if they want to get married like if it's a conversation I think that needs to be a conversation early on I know couples who are together a long time and then one of them is shocked that the other one doesn't want to get married and then they like want two different things and so it needs to be a conversation early on and if you both want to get married I think like two or three years in.
Honestly my wife and I we dated long-distance for a whole year without even meeting him and we got engaged before we even met in person and then when we met in person we like reading proposed to one another I am so I don't know I think it just depends like on the person and it depends on your relationship
I think the three-year mark right is good because you should know by like you're too maybe you don't maybe you do but I think the three year mark is used if you don't know why then then you're never gonna get over you're never going about the question I feel like
I don't know why cut me off but to piggyback off of that honestly me and my wife now We were officially officially took incapacity together for maybe six months if I was chasing her for fucking years six months I propose then you know till we are three years later happily married but when you know you know
I would say like waiting I don't know like three or four years before you get engaged I feel like nowadays like everyone just getting engaged after IKEA and then divorces and like them splitting up while engages is so much more common