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Irene 527d
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Stephanie Bligh
Natalia Lavaggi
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Stephanie Bligh
Analis Floyd 526d
Analis Floyd
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Adwoa Daniels aka Diamond
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Westonn 526d
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Markelmosleyy 525d
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Druka 523d
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Isa Manson 520d
Isa Manson
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Jayde Alexandria
Chan Be Busy 519d
Chan Be Busy
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Troy McClure 518d
Troy McClure
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How many of you actually wear sunscreen when you go out in the sun even on a cloudy day I'm a nurse and I work in theatre and we find that like the bulk of our work is skin cancer which is horrific it's not really nice to see yeah what are your thoughts do you wear it or are you just don't think that it's important
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I wear this every day, even on a rainy day, even on a snowy day. If I step out of my apartment, I'm pretty much always wearing sunscreen 99% of the time.
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Really good because I do, I wear it every day as well. It's so important, so well done.
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Um, just curious, what sunscreen do you use daily?
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I normally would love to get 15 minutes of sun exposure without absolutely any sunscreen on just so that I can get good vitamin D where I live it's super rainy all the time so when the sun starts to come out I try to get as much natural vitamin D as possible now that being said after those 15 minutes of first thing in the morning or later in the evening when the UV index is lower I always always wear mineral be sunscreen on my face on my neck especially because those are expose most of the time as a part of my skin care routine
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It's crazy how much the sun can make your age Maketu isn't it
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I actually wear sunscreen so being a woman of color growing up I never thought I needed it and I want to say around like sometime in high school I got the worst sunburn of my life and people made fun of me because you know I have tanner skin and I was sunburnt so now I just wear sunscreen and I still get sunburn but yeah I wear sunscreen it religiously
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I actually wear sunscreen and I am an African-American bum poop pretty fair skin but yes I do like to protect my skin I am getting older so yeah especially on when I go back to Miami and stuff and the sun is really really be mean so yeah I do wear it
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Well let me just preface by saying I hate words I will say I wear it every day I do not apply sunscreen every two hours I just like I would have to wash my face every two hours cause not putting sunscreen on top of my skin care and previous sunscreen I would be an actual dripping oil slick so I do wear sunscreen every day I don't reapplied every two hours because it is very inconvenient
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Oh my goodness, I take my skincare very seriously only because two years back I started my acne journey and I had very bad acne and I learned a lot about the skin. It doesn't matter which skin tone you are, that's also what I've learned. Everybody needs to put on sunscreen. I put it on every day, you know, especially when I'm out in the sun for sure.
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I actually never do, I live in the UK so the sun doesn't come out too often but in summer it does and I still don't apply it, only when I go to the beach on holiday That's something I really should start doing though, so I'm going to.
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Hi Stephanie I do not wear sunscreen and I'm a redhead which is kind of funny I used to wear it but since learning about the many benefits of the sun I don't want to put a barrier on my skin from you know all the good things from the sun coming in and I'm not afraid of skin cancer I take very good care of myself and I limit my time in the sun to
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I completely agree with you. It is so nice how similar our views are.
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I wear sunscreen I put it on after I wash my face in the morning I just called goop sunscreen stick and I just put it on my face and I rub it in and then I'm done it's not greasy it doesn't leave like a white residue is cool
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You have to use sun cream. I need to use that even for my bald head though.
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