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Alright, this is Benson You got right him. He's he's a really good boy So he's like a 10 out of 10. If you're like struggling with the ratings, that's a hint. I like to the answer.
Nah, I, um, every time I posted one, like I write me, it just got like zero view after like three days so I ended up deleting it. But I should probably post one again but I actually posted a TikTok with my face on it and everyone was throwing shit out of me so I'm a little self-counters right now. Give it like a week and I'll post one. I got you.
Not to be dramatic but I think I would actually die for your dog I would throw myself in front of a train if it meant saving your dogs life So yeah give him some little belly rubs for me if he likes belly rubs if not him Give them some head scratches and goes yeah
Honestly Benson's a dog like not like like also like metaphorically, you know So like I think if you jumped in front of the train for him that he'd end up jumping over you You know what I'm saying? Also, he loves belly scratches, so I'll give them to him later. filming
Seth, look, we elected you as our green-tailed puppy and your dog is adorable, but why is his in the first picture? Why is your dog's chest literally crusted?
Okay, so he's the same Bernard and I don't know if you know this but they fucking drew a lot So like after he'll eat he'll drool like kind of like food. It's a lot It's kind of gross but he's too adorable for me to care and he gets a lot of dirt on there, too So that's why.