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So with all the merging happening, what if there was a platform that was like your main streaming hub? It included music, all the music you wanted, of course, TV shows, old and new, and big screen premieres for movies. What do you think would be a fair price? personally I don't have a magic number but maybe we can come up with one.
25 or $30 a month everything everything has to be on there you have to get meat you have to start like that goal is 20 think about it and then the grandfather you in or something who knows
I mean like $39.99 if they're giving like all of that stuff $39.99 or $34.99 I don't know somewhere within that range though $34.99 to $39.99 I think I would be a decent price considering all of what's there.
I think $20 would be a fair price for all the services Yeah I think $20 will go along way if there's more to it like what kind of Amazon is doing like Amazon halo and all that extra stuff maybe 30
Everyone in these comments is like 30 bucks, but honestly I would pay $100, maybe even a little more because I already pay $75 a month for Hulu Live plus another 10 for Netflix, plus another 10 for HBO, plus 10 for my music app, plus 10 for my husband's music app, and then Amazon Prime, like we just pay for so much stuff. would be well worth 100 bucks.
With all the issues of are people sharing accounts or not sharing accounts, I think 40 is a good entry point. But like you said, if you don't want commercials and you want the bonuses, like it could be tiered and upgraded to wear you're comfortable with your streaming experience.
I feel like oh what the TV says and stuff oh gosh I don't know I mean because that's the thing that drives her nuts about Amazon is that you pay for the membership you subscribe to a channel and then some of the shows you still have to buy
So the problem with this is quite a natural progression. Whenever you have websites that either collect a lot of things, marketplaces or you have flights comparisons, ultimately when there are enough of them, then you're going to get comparison sites to comparison sites and so on and so forth. So we'll probably see some collective subscriptions for all these streaming sites, but because they run so much on licensing, it's going to be very difficult to tear that down to any revenue.
So essentially with that said, considering that the other streaming services, they've got to pay for the licensing. If you then have a streaming service on top of that, they have to pay the ones that pay the licensing. They probably have to charge quite a lot to be able to actually make any money on it. So it's a very difficult one, that one, because ultimately the end providers, the artists and so on, when it comes to music, they make very little apiece. so it's difficult to pay for.
Now that you've put it that way, it makes a lot of sense, but I think in my head, I was thinking more along the lines of a company that did have their own streaming for music and movies and media. Not so much companies partnering together because I do think it'd be very complicated for, let's say, Spotify and Netflix to merge. It makes sense that it could happen, but it'd be very complicated.
Yeah, so I mean I'm gonna sound like a broken record but the problem then would be that they wouldn't get a hold of anything that would be popular. The music, TV, movies, all of this is based on licensing in specific regions. So unless they could get this license out of the hands of Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, you name it. Or you know, they just wouldn't be able to show it. So maybe in actually, actually, maybe in some basically cheaper regions potentially.
I see where you are in terms of your reasoning. I guess I look at other smaller companies that are on the rise. They aren't quite doing what we're discussing, but they definitely have the potential because they have the backing and that's NBC, I believe, Peacock. The price is not that large, but they are creating new shows, but they're also getting current shows on their platform.
Yeah, I mean, see, this is when it becomes really interesting if someone can actually not just disrupt the streaming side of things, but actually also the content side of things. Because that if you can create original content that actually takes over some market share as well, you're in a really good position. But as you say, it does require and a lot of backing and expertise and resource and more importantly time but That's super cool. Yeah, I'd love to see someone do that
So this question came from HBO Max now becoming Max and they've partnered with or absorbed Discovery and they're making the customer pay more for HBO Max and I don't really think anybody asked for Discovery. So I was just like curious that would people be interested in a platform that actually gave you the things you wanted and typically people want music and media music major films and great shows.
Yeah, so become sort of a collective, build your own streaming service. I guess you could just partner up with a lot of these streaming services, use their APIs to add whatever you need to add to a platform and then you kind of pick your own subscription. So if you want access to, let's say Netflix and Hulu, you pick those two and you have a discount from both of them from working with them and then boom, you're off and you have a small margin on that, maybe a platform fee, payment fee and everybody wins.
I think 799 is a good price if you factor in the fact that there's maybe 1,000,000+ subscribers to each platform 799 should be more than enough for them to generate revenue and pay the company
It depends on what do you also do you know how long is your list of catalogs of shows how many seasons are there do you have hit TV shows it all depends on what they have to offer to watch because nine times out of 10 we get these platforms and nothing comes on TV it's just the same thing
So when I say all inclusive, I really mean all inclusive. Old and new movies, old and new shows, pilots even. Some pilots were amazing, but we didn't get to fully experience them on a second season. But anyway, moving forward, definitely music, old and new. And that's all in one package. Just a one stop shop for streaming of media.