FNG The Villain Well Stereo, since you seem to finally be listening...Suivre129PartagerCopier le lien sur la publication
FNG The Villain This week (8/13 - 8/19) here on Stereo. Join the conversations. Enjoy the Shows. Click the link for the full schedule. ALL ABOARD!
FNG The Villain Which Dating Pool do you belong in right now. The Wading Pool, The Swimming Pool, or The Diving Pool. Honest Response only (like we can tell) #FNGESoundBites #VOUTrainExpressYOURSELF
FNG The Villain When did you discover that you were into "Freaky Deaky" stuff? #FNGESoundBites #FreakNastyStandardTime
FNG The Villain Do you think BLACK Love is Hopeful? Or is BLACK Love Doomed? #BLACKSocialSite #FNGSoundBites
FNG The Villain You gotta pick ONE. no Boffum's. WHO ARE YOU CHOSING & WHY? Tap in! #StoryboardsInMotion #RevengeoftheNerds
FNG The Villain If you could have ONE super power/ability what would it be? #FNGsTournamentofPowers coming soon
FNG The Villain Lets get to winnin! Did you already win today or are you ahout to? Either way it's #WeWinninWedneaday lets get these wins. More in the AudioSphere stuff - click the Telegram
FNG The Villain #ManifestationMotivationMondays What has helped ypu get mentally ready to start your week or what do you need to hwlp ypu get through this week? Drop y'all's Soundbites and lets #ManiMotiMon
FNG The Villain #StreamandShoutSundays leave a message to your favorite person (could be someone you know or a celebrity crush) without saying their name. Maybe they'll here it and know youre talking about them.
FNG The Villain Are we to easily influenced? Do we give social media power or does social media have no power with out us? Is the internet and access to it bad or good for people in today's society