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Mitzi Mendoza 704d
Mitzi Mendoza
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Matt 704d
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Melina 702d
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Hi so I'm actually kind of sick which is kind of weird so let me tell you a story I ended up breaking my phone get a new one I'm sick I can't I can stay in bed I get to do this but since we are here I want to talk about something I'm eating right now which is apples chocolate and a mix of nuts with honey which is actually really good for you and I think a lot of stuff is actually that's not that bad Do you really good so late night snack for me so who else does anyone else like have late night cravings I am so sorry late night cravings
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Usually late nights I crave cereal not so much for breakfast but cereal has always been like a late night craving for me
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Yeah I crave food all the time which is why I just order some pizza
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With late night cravings, yes, I have two categories. One is sweet, like dark chocolate or vegan ice cream. And then salty being, you know, chips. Those are my weakness, like salt and vinegar chips or hot Cheetos. I just really love them. And I try to cut back as much as I can, but you know what, it's okay to give into your cravings ever once in a while. human.
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