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Also, I've been going to the gym at like 4.30 in the morning for like probably since like October of last year and I'm starting to get to the point where I feel like my workouts aren't hitting as well as they were like when I would go in the afternoon and so I've been contemplating on going back to working out after work in the afternoon but my problem is like if I go after work, yes I have more time to be there but also I'm going to be spending more time waiting for equipment and waiting on other people. Or I can go in the mornings and not have as much time, but not have to wait and have like an okay workout. Whereas in the afternoon, I have a better workout. And like for comparison, my Apple Watch, I know it's not 100% accurate, but my Apple Watch in the morning will say I burned like 500 calories. And then in the evening, it says I burned like 800 to 1,000, but I'm also there for almost twice as long in the afternoon. So yeah, that's why I'm at. So do you prefer morning workouts or afternoon workouts?
I would love to work out late and night. But my problem is that my gym is far away, so I would have to go home first. And if I went home first, I would not want to leave. leave and then like after I worked out I'm definitely wide awake so that would be
If my job started later in the morning, because I have to be at work by 7.30, but if I had to be at work by like 9, I would be more inclined to do like night workouts. But yeah, I can't. I can.
Morning workouts are tough. You definitely have to like adjust and get used to them. I love afternoon workouts. It's just my gym is my local, my town's local watering hole, almost just like everybody and their brother is in there.
That's why I switch to morning workouts too. And like my job isn't like physically demanding, but I do like a lot of running around and then it's very like mentally draining. So I really like the morning workouts for the aspect that I got it done and over with. But actually today was my first day switching back to afternoon workouts because I was just too tired throughout the rest of the day. And I wasn't getting enough sleep. of sleep. So I love my morning workouts but like I think right now for the best it's afternoon workouts and I don't like that.
Yes, 100% like I tell everyone I was like I'm a better person if I work out in the morning and they look at me like I'm crazy and I'm like, no, like I will just be a better person The whole rest of the day.
7pm sounds like a pleasant time. I left around 7pm today from the gym and it looked fairly empty So I could imagine starting your workout then would be good.
I feel like going to the gym in the afternoon is better because at that point you've had at least at least one meal and so that helps you know fuel your body to have a good workout especially if you're feeding your body what it needs.
So I do agree with you on that. I was doing morning workouts and like as of like a couple days ago I switched to afternoons and I've been getting better workouts in and more so like in the sense like I'm working out more like more of everything like faster stronger whatever more of that because like I'm energized and I want to be there versus like in the mornings I'm working out like because I just want to get it done.
I like working out either in the morning or the nighttime, but the nighttime for the most part because there's not a lot of people in the nighttime and there's a lot of equipment and stuff like that. Also, you know, when I get off of work and stuff like that, I could just go and work out.
A good late night time workout is always fun because it's only you and a few other people there and you guys are all just kind of like you're there because you want to be there and you wouldn't really want to be anywhere else at that moment. Because you know I feel like once it gets late at night and stuff and you've gone home and stuff then you kind of don't want to leave so the people there are the people that are there at night like really just want to be there.
I don't know, I feel like when you go in the afternoon it's difficult, like if you're working and you're going to school, you're already exhausted so coming home exhausted and stuff, it's harder to go to the gym and do a workout but in the morning if you set your day right and you go to the gym, you know what I mean? It activates you if that makes sense, your body's activated. When you go to the gym in the morning, that's it, the rest of the day becomes so easy. But that doesn't like it. It's not me, um, discrediting going gym in the night or evening. There's nothing wrong with that.
So I recently just switched to work out in the afternoon, like as of a couple days ago. Because I wasn't getting enough sleep so that was just making my morning workouts kind of pointless. But I do agree with you. I love morning workouts. I feel like it sets the tone for your day. I think it's like, okay, if you start off the day working on yourself and like your day is already like, you've already checked the biggest thing off your list. you can just go and have a good day for like the rest of the day and then at the end you can just go home and you don't
Yes, 100% like sets the tone for your entire day and even if you have like a crappy workout But you still worked out you still feel good that you already worked out, you know like kind of had a step up on everyone Yeah, totally agree.