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John 527d
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Alisha 526d
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Rose Emanuel 526d
Rose Emanuel
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Bee 526d
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Chan Be Busy 526d
Chan Be Busy
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Darnell-Joe Luke
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Nani 526d
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Some Dude 526d
Some Dude
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So I hate running but it has to be done so I just want to know what you lot think is better running on a treadmill or running on running outside let me know And do you think it will have a difference on the results?
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I really don't know what I said. It's just a lot harder.
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No I rather run outside just to get some fresh air have a nice view are you doing it you know
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I personally like running outside way better because you get to see the scenery, you're outside enjoying the weather, and when you're on a treadmill you're in a gym, running in one spot is boring, there's nothing to look at, and I feel like when you're running you can actually see the end of your destination so it helps you to push harder and follow through versus on a treadmill you're staring down at the numbers and just counting down every single second until you're done. So I feel like running outside is definitely more enjoyable.
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Running outside because it's harder to cheat. Alright, like if you run three miles to a completely different location, you're basically forcing yourself to run back to where you started from. Because if you try to walk three miles back to your house, that's just gonna take like what, three hours, two hours? So you kind of it's like motivation to actually run
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Honestly, I hate running outside. I'll go for a walk outside. That's lovely, but running on a treadmill is definitely my cup of tea
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Running on the treadmill. I guess running outside is more events, but it's so hard
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I mean I have a treadmill in my house because I can't really add gym to my schedule but I can't I'm going home and working out of my schedule and I got big boobies song running out signs it's gonna make people pull over and try to talk to me and I don't wanna talk to him so there's that
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Running outside.
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Depending how the weather is outside I get really dizzy on the treadmill and I feel like anytime I'm outside I'm actually getting in a workout so depending on what the weather is outside definitely outside
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This one's kind of obvious because running on a treadmill is kind of just draining and boring And it's also kind of damaging for your feet. So obviously I'm gonna go with running outside. I don't even like running I'm gonna have to go with biking.
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