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Nathalie Velazquez
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Abigail Cruz 699d
Abigail Cruz
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Abigail Cruz
Heather Ihla 699d
Heather Ihla
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Sandy King
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Heather Herington
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Heather Herington
Malori 692d
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Armani Monche 692d
Armani Monche
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usually at a family gathering there's either a fight or there's something like either a child hurts himself or like something embarrassing happens but nothing like that really happened today so that's always a good thing right or is it like I don't know does anybody else have that feeling when they're out and about with like family members or having like a family get together.
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Yeah it's true something always happens in time to see other but this time around we then spend Easter with my family so it wasn't like that
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Well, at least you didn't have to deal with any drama, but it's so hard not to go to family gatherings because you just want to be like, feel like you're part of the family, but it's so hard when you do go because there's always something.
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I definitely have that feeling because I have two spirited kids and I'm like oh my god what are we gonna do like if they're acting up and stuff or being judged I guess that's the thing As a mom, I'm like already worried that
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That my kids are going to act up or they're going to do some thing like out of character in public and I'm like oh my God I can't I can definitely wait for that and then if it's in front of family I'm just saying they're going to say something
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I totally understand. The one thing that's wild is my kids don't have a filter and kids in general don't have filters and don't understand sometimes what they say. So some of the stuff they come up with at least my family is like a good sense of humor about it because they be saying some awful all stuff.
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So yeah, this family gathering we had this year. My child had a full lawn meltdown for a good 20 to 30 minutes. It was rough.
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Oh, I'm so sorry, mama. That can be so hard because you just feel like everybody's watching you and judging the way you parent. And it can just be so hard and so stressful. So I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I'm glad you got through it. but hopefully you'll get better.
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I definitely agree that something always happens at family gatherings we don't go to family gatherings anymore because of cutting off most of family but before I did that and going to family gatherings so much happened
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It was either a fight because people were drinking too much, or shit was getting thrown around, or people just not knowing when to shut their mouth.
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I totally understand and I'm so happy and the strength to like stop going to that How did they give you stress?
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Depends what side of my family for me because my boyfriend said yeah you say something because young Say something happens and or that I'm uncomfortable or I don't like somebody or some thing but my side is it goes pretty smooth I think everyone gets along better
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Oh, I totally understand that. I totally get that. My... On my side, like, my family is just nosy. Like, everybody just very nosy. Um, and usually somebody says something and it's taken out of context or something and it gets crazy real quick. But the other side literally just doesn't have a filter so they'll say whatever the fuck they think even if it's the meanest comment they've ever said in their life they'll still say it.
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Okay at my family gatherings is an entire ass political hive mind. I ain't saying shit. I ain't starting shit, but They get fucking crazy dude, they get racist and shit. It's fucking crazy. Also, they're they fucking hate gay people and And my cousin's like closeted, so I feel bad for bro
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Yeah, that part would be hard to like watch unfold, but like I think it's also funny when you're at a family gathering and they be heated, they'd be going off and you're just sitting there like, oh, alright. You just sit in there observing it all, just waiting for someone to throw hands. It can, it can just get interesting when you're just observing and like trying to like not piss people off.
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It can get pretty funny because it'll be like, it'll be like, I hate black people. And then there's like an awkward silence. And then everyone just like starts agreeing. I'm like, what the fuck? Huh? Like for real? What?
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It's weird if I'm at a family go together and there's not an argument or in at least half of the cases a brawl So I guess it's a good thing if that doesn't happen, but it's just it's weird.
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Yeah, for sure. The moment you leave the party and nothing happened, you're like, wait, like you like start questioning like who wasn't there or like, I don't know. It's just weird. If you leave and that nothing happened and you almost like anticipated it to happen and nothing happens. You leave so confused like why didn't anything happen?
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I joke that nobody gets into fist fights anymore because they're all too old and too arthritic to actually do something about it, but at the same time sometimes I'll leave and then hear about a fight after and I'm just like damn I always leave when it gets good.
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I totally feel this like whenever we go out. Not like really like my child hurting himself or anything like that but just like he will like try to like he'll throw a fit in the most random places and it just is like come on like we'll be like in line ordering food and he wants to freak out and it just it is embarrassing even though it's completely normal.
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I totally get it and then you get like either the stairs from strangers like what are you doing or like in my case family members that are like That literally just like try to leave or like go outside and talk shit Because you're letting him scream it out because nothing is gonna soothe them Or like letting him run their course because like my son and we think he might be slightly autistic and you cannot stop his fits. He will not stop. There's nothing. He has to run this course.
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There is often some issue at family gatherings. Not so much my family unless they decide to play Spades, then it's on No Holds Barred. Everybody's going fucking crazy. This is why I don't play, because I don't want to smoke, you know?
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Oh yeah, that game is played. It gets so serious so quick like they take it very seriously. And spoons. Spoons is another dangerous one because my family instead of playing with spoons they think it's funny to play with forks and shake its violent real quick.
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OK we the family together or get together's or family gatherings or whatever it's like funny and also annoying because when everybody's getting ready to leave your parents I was like OK we're getting ready to leave and stuff but then they turn around and start talking for another hour like really annoying and like the other cousins like to tell the younger cousin to fight and I was having at my family gathering and the talking parents and stuff like that it's really annoying
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