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Jessi 374d
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Johnny Mendoza
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Mama mental check-in. I have not been in the right mind state the last couple days. That's probably why you haven't seen me on here. I've just been kind of self isolating. I know it's the worst thing to do but I keep doing it and I can't just break the cycle. But I did something that I've been wanting to do for two years. Not really sure if I I am enjoying it or not, but I'm gonna give it a minute before I just like give up on it But yeah, and then I'm getting my wagon. Hopefully So I mean there are six exciting things happening. I'm just in a funk. I don't know But I just wanted to pop on here and ask how everybody else is doing So go ahead and comment below if you want to check in or just to talk to somebody. I am always here for you
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I hope you're doing feeling better you know like I totally understand that like I was just actually making a post about how I've been really frustrated with my toddler lately and it's just like really hard to be in the right mindset so sending you all the good vibes
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Bro, nobody asked bro, you really took half your fucking day to send a fucking message. Yeah bro, yeah! Freak
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