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So either in dating or friendship, even work, let's throw that in there. What is a red flag? Because for me, it's someone not respecting the word no. If I said no, it means no, I'm not comfortable, and you trying to make me change my answer makes me not want to continue on. But yeah, I would love to hear what your red flags are in terms of all these things.
Oh my gosh, yes. Like, especially when you're trying to get a hold of them, it's like, okay, I know the phone's in your hand. Please answer me so we can figure out what to do, you know? I get where you're coming from, totally valid.
A red flag is it fake they try to make you cut off your parents like if they tell you over dating but I don't like your mom you have to stop talking to her you have to block her number like that's a big red flag for me cause that's my mama she raised me you're about to Mimi cut her off because you don't like her
Oh, this is a real good one. Yes, that is a massive red flag. I always say family comes first, blood runs thicker than water. So if someone's telling me, hey, you can't talk to your family or, you know, your friends, your coworkers, or try to isolate you, yeah, I know it's over. or I can't. So yeah, great point bringing that up.
I like when they're so insecure that they won't let you talk to any guys even if you're related to them like they will literally sit outside of work waiting for you to see if you talk to any guy coworkers or anything like that it's just like so crazy like you can't be that insecure that you wouldn't let me talk to any other guy
For me, it's like when they text you, right? And you text them back and they read your text and they don't text back. That is a reflex. Like that hurts myself. Like that annoys me so bad. because it's like why you texting me then you ain't even going to a spa.
When they tell you what you can and cannot wear like that is none of your business sir or ma'am Like I had a boyfriend who told me I couldn't wear certain things to gym class and and pretty much what they wanted me to wear was long sleeves and sweat pants and something And that covered all my skin.
All right so for me it's like if you're in a relationship like I'm a big Overthinker so like when I'm in a relationship and the guy is not texting me back just read it and just doesn't respond like just ghost me that is a red flag for me just because I'm an Overthinker like Bruh like text me back like I'm gonna think that you're mad at me or something like text me back That's just me though
My best friend does that. My best friend was like almost four years down. And we're like, we're close. It's like really when we think like, whenever he does he get his ray. Or other people tell him though, he always try to convince the person somehow or some way. And I feel like it's kind of like my elimination. I don't know how to say it, but I feel like it's kind of like my lippin', you know what I mean? someone to like.
Any sort of narcissism or like lack of understanding anyone who is not willing to hear someone else's like what I tried to see you and I could talk some shit that's all the bad sign
Most likely the same as you and also I just got a throw it out there when you were talking right here it sounded like you were one of those girls from a commercial Bruh like seriously