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Could you consider a relationship with someone you're not physically attracted to I'll go first big now I want to look at your face and just you now get lost in your eyes you know that feeling yeah I just don't think it's realistic to focus on personality and character because each pillar is just as important I mean I don't need you to be a pretty model but I want to look at you and think wow I bagged a Weldy I wanna hear you guys and your thoughts
Well in the beginning you only entertain people you are in fact attracted to so it probably wouldn't be the best of relationship but say you stop being attracted maybe yeah
No you're not I highly disagree sometimes there's cases where you've been friends I never really saw him like that and now that he's seen him in a different light but he's not your usual attraction or vice versa
You know what? I teach women to go out with men they're not attracted to, to counter the psychological effects of the over exposure to extremely attractive men. that skews our standards in a way that does not benefit us.
As women, we're being taught to choose men the way that they choose us, which screws us up to the point that we don't even understand how we work anymore. As women, our physical attraction to men grows as we experience them treating us right.
The problem is that due to media and social media, we have an overabundance of positive connections to attractive and highly attractive men and not nearly enough to average and good enough looking men and this unnaturally skews our standards.
Far too many women are choosing substantially lower standards of living for both themselves and their children just so they can get with a more attractive man. choosing generational poverty, they're choosing generational stagnation, and for what?
Though it makes sense in the context of women being primed for 50-50 relationships, the man is not providing so he needs to overcompensate for that, in this case with his looks, but understand that a man's ability to provide also overcompensates for his lesser looks.
I advise women to date without regard towards physical attraction unless you're repulsed. If a man asks you out and there's nothing wrong with him other than the fact that you're not attracted to him, go out with him anyway. It's just a date and there are lessons to be learned on that date.
For example, it is so much easier to enforce your boundaries with men you're not attracted to. It is unwise to practice enforcing your boundaries on men who tick all the boxes.
This plays into the 5-8 year age gap conversation because it's easier to broaden your appearance standards when he's older and able to provide more. and girl, a woman's physical attraction to a man is highly influenced by his ability to provide.
So I'm not advising women to marry men they're not attracted to, but simply not to reject the first few dates on the basis of attraction alone, unless he's repulsive, because attraction builds.
A common theme amongst the most happily married women is that they did not initially find their husbands to be attractive. In fact, they found them to be slightly unattractive and boring, but they allowed the attraction and the connection to build.
I highly disagree that women are choosing hide attractive men just on the basis of that I definitely have seen women settle with the ugliest guys based on having a higher quality of life 100% disagree
Oh so right exactly where does I'll be waiting on me five times and I got back together with him and I told him if you take for me to get them Never get back together with him so like I need some help organize if I didn't
I think people who say that they could are kidding themselves. Like, you can't honestly tell me that you would date someone and you find ugly. No, I don't believe anyone who says that.
You'll be shocked I have a friend who actually purposely goes for guys who are not attractive because of less competition I think that screams in security
If I get another person and their personality is nice and stuff like and they're just like a really good well-rounded individual then I think I can get over looks like any more than luxe I'm looking for like cleanliness responsibility and like stability like so yeah I think I deafly could date somebody that I wasn't originally physically attracted to But I don't date people based on luxe