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I didn't hear what the most shocking thing was that you found when you travel to Europe because for me it's the fact that everything closes down at noon and doesn't open until four it drives me crazy because everyone eats the biggest meal of the day at noon or one and it's not at restaurants it's at home but like I wanna go out to lunch or run errands between 12 and four and I always forget and I always like I just went to the grocery store right now and it was locked so tell me about some thing that you've experienced
That is so crazy that's a long time for things to be shut down is this all over Europe it's all over Europe it's not just Italy I thought it was just Italy
So I'm hearing from other people who live in Europe that it's not just Italy it's like the southern warmer parts like I know it's Spain too they have the Siesta culture I'm not sure where else
You know I'm really glad it's not a thing in London because that will be such an inconvenience I needed in let me in and Europe but luckily we don't have that problem here
New London would be my place cause I'm from LA and I feel like London is almost a version of LA but a cooler one but it's also very expensive like LA so that's why and also Brexit messed up
Yeah I hear a seminar is quite funny because I love you family when I come to London I am one of the London people aren't you wanna go see like I've never been to the USA and I feel like if there's any place I want to go to nurses early just to see what it's like and I have a beach now that nice weather
The store's closing for that long is usually in the south of Europe with the warm weather and the Siesta culture. So if you want to skip that, you should come to the cold countries in the north.
Thank you for that advice. I know that I belong up there. This isn't the right place for me, so I'm going to start exploring and figuring out where I want to live. I have my dual citizenship, so I just need to find somewhere I'd be happy.