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Do you prefer room temperature water or do you prefer ice cold water I'd prefer room temperature water just because it's a little more tender on my teeth I am more sensitive to cold drinks and food now I used to love ice cold water but now I prefer real temperature because of that mainly
Yes, so like when it comes from like say bottled water, I prefer room temp, but when it's like say I'm at a restaurant and it's like in a glass, I like ice water. It's kind of weird, but I definitely feel you how it's sensitive to your teeth.
It really depends on when but like all the time for show room to calculate ice cold water only hurts when is I had as fuck that's only time that she really hit but room temp will always had in time so room temperature
No it's not crazy I fucking never tried it so if you give it a try and see how you feel about it but it's actually pretty beneficial and more better than drinking cold water
I definitely prefer ice cold water even though like I've heard that that's not the best for you it's better to have it like be more room temperature but I cannot drink it if it is.
It depends on the weather that I'm currently in. Right now I'm in this hot weather and I obviously rather cold water because it's going to be more refreshing.