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How do you convince a liar that you're on to them do you just give them the side eye and say yeah OK whatever or do you just flat out say man I love you lives going to tell me the truth
You don't you make moves to not have to deal with them and once they realize that you're making moves and I deal with them then they're going to start to project and be like you should you avoiding me you're not calling me
I'm gonna be gone we go ahead and cook you know you're a liar I know you lying you know I know you lying so it ain't even me to go ahead and put that shit I'll go ahead and Todd is Linus story so we got to get to the end of Zack and tell you all the facts that I have that's gone
It basically just leak all the information of like their family where they live like their life their complete life story interests tons of fucking shit man
I would just show them the truth. Simply, I mean the next move is what? To tell another lie to cover up that lie? So now you're caught in two lies. It's just a mess.
Ayo Greg I don't know you personally but as a friend I just gotta let you know why everybody I've put in the top to the question they don't need to be able to look at them like a doll rephrase the question because they know conventional libra just say