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Alisha 563d
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Sandy King 562d
Sandy King
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Sandra Wolk 562d
Sandra Wolk
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Sandra Wolk
Sandra Wolk
Heather Ihla 562d
Heather Ihla
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Jena Schuerman
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Anna Hanly 562d
Anna Hanly
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On the topic of postpartum I'm curious to know how many of you naturally went into labour how many of you got induced because either for health reasons or you went past due when you needed to be induced Did you get the membrane sweep I think that's what it's called the membrane sweep for me for my first I had the membrane sweep twice and it didn't do anything I naturally went into labour six days before my due date with my second I had the membrane sweep again and not even within eight hours I was in labour And she came four days before her due dates and it was fast
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So all three of my babies were inductions. My first one I had pre-clancy intoxication with all of my kiddos. My first kiddo I was induced and I wanted to be natural after that so I actually went 38 hours in labor with no
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No kind of pain medicine or epidural until they were like, well, you're starting to like not progress and it's starting to get dangerous for infection. So either you get the epidural and we have this baby soon or you're going for an emergency section which I didn't want to do.
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I got the epidural. My second son, I was induced, had him naturally no issues, except his shoulder. He decided to come out with his head and his shoulder, so they had to use the vacuum, which caused him to get jaundice and fun stuff. My third.
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I was induced but my liver was starting to shut down and she was breech so I actually had to go for an emergency c-section So yeah, that was my last baby because I got fixed while they were in there because obviously this preeclampsy only got worse every single time because
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too weak premature baby this last time and I definitely didn't want to go through that again and my body literally just couldn't handle it again so that was my last baby but yeah none of mine where like just natural laborers I so badly wanted to but didn't happen for me.
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My first I had to be induced because they were having trouble from your heart rate and she was really small and not growing anymore and then it ended in a C-section and the second I just chose to have a C-section because I was not gonna go through that again
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How many weeks was your first when you had her?
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I will see wish I was natural but my daughter was all the quarter like not coded I should take her with us made her as a town 10 pound baby and I didn't want to have a C-section just because like all the scary stories I've heard
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So I was induced and then my water broke the night of being induced. So yeah and then I was in labor for 22 hours and I had the epidural and my daughter got lodged in my hip and that was like the most terrible pain.
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I am terrible pain I could ever honestly think of but I probably do it all over again I think the worst part were contractions and then her being stuck in my hip those are like the two worst types of labour
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went into labor naturally. it was actually the same day I was actually supposed to get induced, but he just decided to come a few hours earlier than expected.
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I went into labor naturally with all three of my children. I did have scheduled induction dates for my first and my third, however they came before those and all of my kids were early as well.
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Again, like I said last time, do me a favor and I'll put you in the mail right now!
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