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Alyssa Kunz 685d
Alyssa Kunz
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Alyssa Kunz
Alyssa Kunz
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Chelsea Moon 684d
Chelsea Moon
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Suzanne pickens
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Can we just discussed how ridiculously disgusting him there is of a formula shortage and help bear the showers are when there are babies at actually need that to survive I just I don't understand how that's possible as possible What is it is it makes me sad I wanted to go buy my son some special formula for a sensitive tummy and it was the shelves were empty there was obviously the formula that most babies can't have or the toddler formula but like I was utterly shocked with how empty the shelves work
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Yes it really irritates me and like some stores put like a limit on it to where you can only buy like two cans and you can see like they have like a lot like I just would like to get like a couple extra maybe like a four or some thing but then like if I go to like a different store and try and get trying to find my daughter more I can't find it because they're out and it's just it's very very frustrating
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Like the few Walmarts that we have here in town I have one Walmart that's like 10 minutes away from me and then I have another Walmart which is on the other side of town and that's like 20 minutes away but they both have a limit on how many cans of formula you can buy and that's five so that's a little bit better than like other grocery stores I live at like two or three
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I definitely understand like the whole limit thing because there were people that were buying and buying and buying excessive amounts of formula and leaving nine for the rest of the people but to as the limit seems too low because babies eat so much and they go through so much formula so the fact that your store has a limit of five is actually pretty awesome
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Yeah I've always hated the people that was like hog at all and I've seen her one time this lady I don't know how she got away with it I don't know if she like knew the cash register person but she got away with buying like 12 cans
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It's really crazy and I really, really sympathize with moms that have babies that need formula right now because I cannot even begin to imagine how I would feel not knowing if I would be able to get my son formula or not. I exclusively pumped for seven months but I wasn't pumping enough so we had to supplement and I just like, he would have starved without that. I just can't imagine.
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I do know that like, um, if you go to like your doctor, if your doctor writes a note as like a prescribed for formula for like sensitive stuff that you'll get it for free, so um, and like you should go to the pharmacy to get it. I'm not sure maybe you should try that.
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Oh my gosh I know I have a lot of friends that have babies and they're always posting on Facebook how could you go you know if if you see anything could you please pick something up is like they're desperate it's so sad I am so sorry for all the moms are there are you doing with this it definitely sucks
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