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It's probably like two or three people that I didn't block that let Wolf steal money from them. That, like, sent false reports on people who he didn't like or who he had something against because they were attracted to him. But those people are not blocked because I feel like they just know not to come around me. Like, they have this understanding where it's like, she doesn't deal with me, so I'm not going to mess with her because she's not even messed with anybody. body so yeah like as for like the other people though there's no reasons like beyond me not messing with them because i know that they'll influence people into losing money you know i could care less about likes views opinions and following i don't care about that stuff i already listened to a bunch of people and have a bunch of positive influences in my life so i don't necessarily listen to people you know to motivate myself to get off my ass and be a better person this is that already um so yeah if a person would have like toe-stepped me because some guy that was lying about you know seeing women's coochie the the jerry curl dripping guy uh him and the the guy who was scamming women for, or scamming people, shit. Scamming people for money. I wasn't dealing with those men. People who attacked me privately or openly for those people are simply blocked because they're too gullible. I don't do gullible people. Peace and love.