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Shoutout to LA King and a couple people who still had that part of the awards Along with the clips from everybody repeating what I said Along with people who used what I said against other people who I'm cool with Shoutout to Da Upgrade Then using my second insult, calling dudes Rashida Flita because Buddy was like being so weird saying that you know nobody gives a fuck about black women anyways and he's lucky I'm lucky that he's using my stuff it's like he has such a big head for this little tiny ass app bruh and it's like everybody who has something against somebody on this app how you have something against me and you have not one major brand publication y'all really be going after people you don't even compare to you can't compare success with me so how are you against me we can't match that we can't match each other the only thing you are is somebody who found an app that you feel good about yourself on I already felt good before I got here so yeah y'all are some weirdos you know I'm sorry about the passing away of you know certain people blunt here but you are so fucking pathetic to even go so far to try to block my shine or whatever because you don't want me to be credited for anything positive because you always want it there's a negative look you know for women who are fit and fine there's always got to be something wrong with us it's never something wrong with you right peace and love
Yeah, I mean, um, the Rashida person is the goofy, you know, uh, Upgrade, he's actually very respectful, that other person, he has not gotten anywhere, you know, Upgrade is actually on, like, my level and, like, my family and stuff as far as, like, entertainment and being a part of things, that's why he has never had no funky attitude towards me.
Hoopoe from the Green Goblin used to used to sit in my shows to collect insults along with some other, you know, aqua-haired hooligan. It used to sit there just to try to steal insults And it's always the no neck community that is coming for me. The people were just not that cute and they know they're not.