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Yeah, some people are confused. They get really intimidated when, um, us, when we're beautiful without any type of tampering being done to us, um, at an early age. They will claim that over us and claim that somebody did something to us they never did, uh, because it's like they need to really believe that we're just at the bottom, period. period when that's not even true so this lady this older lady i don't know what it is with people okay now it's my lips like it's always been my lips my skin my hair my eyes all of that it's like intimidating to another woman so she's claiming and she has told other people that um i'm doing things like concerning nails or whatever that i'm not doing all because she she sees that I have big pretty lips. Like really? So she's speaking down on my physical features. I mean, they just tried to come after that big chief dude or whatever and whoever else. Now, I understand when certain men, not chief, but the guy who tried to attack him. When they deal with women of color, when the mother of the children is a woman of color and they didn't have a good experience then all of us are the problem or their mother because we've all heard people speak on platforms about you know the things that they've gone through as far as who took care of them like regardless of whatever has happened to me personally i don't attack other people so all that new york chip on your shoulder stuff that has to stop stop it because it looks terrible when you are like going after people all because of the way you feel about the people around you or the people who were around you so now what is this about beautiful features that I have that caused you to spread lies and rumors about a person because you really told on yourself from what you dm'd me
Oh, man, sis, I've been spoken about the fact of those who judge us based off of our appearances, you know, and, um, the images, you know, these are the people who chooses to paint their own pictures. Like, what? You were terrible in art school, but you want to try to paint a picture of me? Okay. Listen, sis, when I speak about out the weak mindsets.
When I speak about the weak mindsets, and of course you've heard me say weak ****** mindset, because, you know, I feel as though our people have shined more light on that label versus others, right? But, at the same time, there's a lot of ignorant white motherfuckers, Chinese, Mexican, all of that. And you've just, you know, got a clear taste of that, or a little taste of that, you know? That's ignorant shit, but yet they want to put those labels on.
We all know that there's this thing where people have to be, you know, I feel like there's this thing where if we doing bad, at least we not black. We can't do worse than them. You know, so when it comes to black women, other women feel like it's acceptable for them to be aggressive towards other people and harass people because they've been told that it's sexy. All you got to do is say poppy after you harass somebody or do something evil to them.
All you have to do is fix a bento box for a person, you know, you're only held accountable as a black woman and you're only masculine if you're a black woman, you're a feminist if you're a black woman, you're a black bitch if you're a black woman, you're all the terrible things in the world if you're a black woman. But if you are a woman of another ethnicity, it is okay for you to misbehave and be completely ignorant towards other people because other, everybody else is going to give gave you an excuse to be that way.