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If the dollar disappears tomorrow says the dollars and actually will how would you survive how would you get your meals how was your live how would you protect yourself from people who tried to rob you of your things how would you survive
I'm already surviving. I'm living that life right now. You dick. I'm in the woods. I got a solar panel. I got my weapons. I got bowls. I got guns. I got fishing rods. I got a sleeping bag. I got tents. I got wood. I got strikers. I got everything I need. This shit's already happening.
Me personally, I'ma just rely on God. That's it. That's the only thing you can do. He been making a way for this long He gonna make a way then too All you gotta do is believe.
I think the trading aspect is really interesting in the olden days what are people like I'll give you a loaf of bread if you give me weed you know just trading services and products for free not exchanging currencies just exchanging in value
Well when the dollar disappears Everything is going to be burned down anyway, so it's not going to matter That's gonna be great. Yeah. Yeah, that's gonna be done