Can evildoer nations represent a "good" god?Most of you sound like DISNEY when you speak upon your religions subcutaneously trapped within the propaganda of YOUR personally "selected" corporate master. The god of the united states is one of the most evil deities in the history of mankind. But it's followers CONTINUE to believe THEMSELVES to be "good" by aligning with it.
MAGA = A SUPER Bright. "naked" Light.💡🙈Have you ever accidentally tappef a "naked" light? Dafoq is a "naked light", you say? One of those lamps with the shade off where the bulb is exposed and occasionally bumped into, to the point where it rattles the filament, leading to a hella bright result RIGHT B4 it "goes out."☝🏿
🎵Who's Gon Make The Prices Come Doooown?🎵You do realize that the price$ never $hall NEVER return to their once, seemingly fathomous position, right?🤨 How high CAN they rise them BEFORE the The people says, "you can't have THAT much of my LIFE FORCE."?
Social Filtering: The other side of "All Skinfolk AINT Kinfolk."☝🏿Black people have NEVER set a cultural definition of what it means to BELONG to being 'BLACK', This is important of why a culturally established identity
remains a top priority... But let's talk about the outer factors for the cultural guard... I think it exposes something that Black people have been avoiding. $MrRohgishSun
Pan Outta Pocketism Exposes Much Old Uneaten Crow.Who Would'a thought that particular conversations about BLACK CULTURE would be BEING had by specific non-black demographics, Who would have NEVER jumped CULTURALLY outta pocket in their youth? Does this expose just how potent the 🇺🇲 BARCODE VALUING SYSTEM is? And @$$ beating as if we're STILL 'products' sposed'ta 🪨 in the beginning? What'chu got on my New Janus Yr.40oz, Pagan!🤨 $MrRohgishSun
Kamala Let Me DOWN!!!I was hoping she.
Would win just because I knew that she would set off the final rumble. And it's time.