So I was talking to an acquaintance of mine and he brought up the subject that he didn't want to talk to any more women. He didn't want to eat with any more women. He didn't want women to cook for him or care for him when he was sick. Because he said that ultimately they do it for reasons and men do it because they genuinely care and have compassion for you. This is coming from man to man, right? Instead of woman to man. And his ultimate fear was that he'd be friend-zoned. And I asked him, I said, what's so wrong about being friend-zoned? He said, if every woman you see friend-zoned you, you don't want to hang out with them. And it brought me to this. Y'all, 80% of the women you're going to be around as men and as women, if that's what you're into, are going to friend-zone you. If every woman just talks to you, wants to have sex with you, she a hoe. You want to be friend-zoned to keep these women that you want to see attractive, attractive.