JustADisciple Pride vs exaltation... one involves enthroning ones-self in order to hide your defects... the other is a blessing from God in return for humility and trust in HIM.Seguir10CompartirCopiar enlace del post
JustADisciple Jeremiah 22:17 I pray our hearts and eyes are set on whats important in life. Rather than covetousness and spiritual blood shed/ opression and violence toward others to achive our sinful goals.
JustADisciple Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it. - (Blaise Pascal)
JustADisciple All who create their own light/ truth/ fire in life will soon be engulfed by the falsehood of it. Seek Him who created, sustains and promises. Then sleep easy in the storm and be chearful in the light
JustADisciple Instead of asking if someone is a Christian, ask if they ‘fear the LORD? And obeys the voice of His servant?’ Isaiah 50:10
JustADisciple Dont seek other ‘Christians’, seek them that fear God and whole heartedly show a burning desire to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ . Amen.
JustADisciple Learn your faith in Christ so when faced with the dark you can reply “It is written...” with the sharp sword of Gods word.
JustADisciple Isaiah 46:6... Babylonian pagans never claimed to be Christian and would postrate themselves whilst facing towards an idol... They must have been Muslim.
JustADisciple Isaiah 47:10-11...Turning from Gods will does not shield you from the truth, but tells God that you are the ‘All Mighty I Am’. Pride mixed with a lustful heart is the foundation of self-destruction.
JustADisciple Gods Glory will not be shared with anyone outside of Himself - Isaiah 42:8. Jesus has Gods Glory - John 2:11/5:23/17:4-5/Gal 6:14
JustADisciple Colossians 2:7/ Isaiah 40:24...Ground your routs in Jesus Christ so the storms that come upon you are nothing but a breeze. Prevention is the best solution, dont wait untill you have to rebuild yourself
JustADisciple Matthew 5:29-30. Have strenght to cut off whoever keeps you down in life. You wouldnt drink poison and expect to live a healthy life, Similarly dont surround yourself with poison and expect to grow.
JustADisciple Isaiah 30:8-17 ... ‘new-age religion’ and agnostic ‘spiritual concepts’ have been a thing throughout humanity. People have always tailored religion to suit self-centered individual wants and greeds.
JustADisciple 1Peter-always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you’...Bible study 💪’s your faith in knowledge and enables you to combat the attack on Gods spoken word
JustADisciple Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. Psalm 100:1-5
JustADisciple On bomfire night, when stood in the dark watching the amazing light shows. Remember who the true eternal light of the world is 🙏🏻 the Way, the Truth and the Light. Our beacon in a dark world.
JustADisciple Did you know Islam teaches:1.Jews are cursed An-Nisa 4:155. 2.Jews are a sacrafice for muslims Sahih Muslim 2767. 3.Jews are rats Bukhari 54:524. 4.Muslims will 1 day kill all jews Sahih al-Bukhari 29
JustADisciple Thank you God for every blessing in my life, help me love others as you love them so i may also bless others, in Jesus name. Amen.
JustADisciple “Here I am” is how the most prominent prophets of God presented themselves to God- Abraham...Jacob...Moses...Samuel...Isaiah...Ananias