Hi Stereo and my beautiful Stereo family. Now listen, I don't know if it's this bad, but that forehead kiss, that good morning kiss before you leave the house is a must. Greeting each other when you come in the door is a must, okay? It's just certain things are a must, and if I don't get it, it's like, so you're trying to break up with me? You're trying to divorce me now? That's just how dramatic it feels, alright? Alright? I cannot be the only lady at night when it's time to go to bed and we cuddle. If he turns over too early, I'm like, so you don't love me no more? The man's just trying to get comfortable. I understand that. I don't care. Enjoy the theatrics of it all. Anyway, drop your comments, let me know. I can't be the only lady. I just can't.