Okay, so my previous audio was about it being that time of the month and You know dating a female means there's two hormone changes So it has come with the understanding that you know if The other person around their time of the month becomes a little low energy a little bit more sensitive like That's a okay and honestly throughout the month. You know what I mean? But like around this time it's a little bit more okay it's acceptable for it to happening for it to happen and I totally lost my turn I thought where I was going with this but oh okay I'm back I mentioned to her this morning how hard it was for me to get out of bed and just feel so low energy and she agreed also but I say all of that to say that's communication like it's little things like that where you mentioned to your partner and it can make such a big difference. Like, so yeah, I mentioned to her and then later on we're in the house, you know, when she gets off of work and I'm a little tense, I'm a little flustered and she asks me, you know, I tell her like, there's just a lot going on right now, like, I'm I'm kind of tired and she's like okay just like why don't you go lay down let go chill out and eat and she finished doing the dishes for me and it's little things like that that make the difference. Communicating in like the slightest assistance and compassion that's the word. compassion that you give your partner when you know that they are kind of in a an intense uncomfortable day moment it's it allows you to get out of that mood a a lot quicker, so make sure that you're doing that, And that's all I got.