I already have a few sound bites with a few sleep aids from the natural supplements you can have but what I haven't included is personally this is one of the tips. You need to figure out a time that you're going to sleep for example between two and four. Usually everybody wants to say oh I want to go to bed at two but it never really works out every night right and if you've been suffering from insomnia for a very long time it'd be difficult but if you give yourself grace and say between this time between that time and just stick to it that would work and number two when you've been lacking sleep for a long time, having some near or interrupted sleeps, sleep, you think that if you had one good night's sleep you'd be fine. That only worked for people that haven't got sleep problems for weeks, months, even years right? If you've had bad sleep patterns for months, weeks, you will need sleep for a very very long time. It could be a few days, weeks, months before you think oh I'm okay now you know. As soon as you, what's the word, as soon as you get enough, as soon as you sleep and then maybe the next day you get four hours sleep or interrupted sleep you will feel wrecked again. So I hope that tip helps. Any questions? Let me know because I hadn't Somnia for a few years. Okay even the doctors were useless at the setting point but right now everything's going fine. Glory be to God. Always grateful.