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So I just had this debate on the other day with this guy that sings I don't know how to be but kind of just wondering like when do you all think is the best time to like let your partner significant other etc. etc. no like what you like in the bedroom like do you like kind a let it play out for a little while to see just kind of like how they operate and like naturally find out or do you want to like just lay it on thick like early on like hey that's what I like what I don't like like after the first time you guys have sex Or do you like play a cool and Taylor OK this is why I like that I let her know like the wings like the last minute so that way you are satisfied I just like laid on in the beginning and I wonder I just wanna know if I like because it's all obviously gonna be different if it's like not your girlfriend or boyfriend I can you know exclusively with that person obviously if it's just like casual like here and there I don't really know how serious it would be but I want to know like what y'all think and what are your thoughts
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Immediately talk about that shit immediately
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I'm not gonna lie I feel like especially I mean like we're adults the majority of people that come respond out here adult answer me like I fuck you should kind of be talking about sex early on if you already are considering sex with that person anyway like if you just be like a general topic not necessarily like you know alluding to the fact that that's what you're trying to do right then and there but yeah I agree with that I need
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Because you don't want to show up to the party unprepared, underdressed or overdressed. We're in the wrong anything, doing the wrong anything. like, you gotta have those discussions immediately.
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I like how you put it like you don't wanna come to the party underdressed and things like that ever thought about a big one I just like the way you put it but yeah 1000% agree I feel like now that I'm kind of like out there dating again I'm kind of realizing I kind of just wanna know like what else everyone else out there is going through because I just like you start to appreciate the little things older you get when it comes to dating and I just think it's really important so I think immediately is better than waiting and having the worst experience
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I mean I feel like we were talk about stuff like that I don't know not just like hang I like this or I don't like that but after you do something and you noticed like oh I don't like that
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Yeah to me the sooner the better I might just kind of like you know say it in the kindest way possible maybe make it like a laughable moment so everybody's comfortable everybody like it's a polyamorous I meant like the other person is like more comfortable with like what I'm about to say but I don't think I'm joking either so kind of like I wanna be stern but like I don't want that person to feel awkward when I'm like correcting them you know
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But I will most definitely speak up about some thing I don't like him I don't know about during the moment I mean that's kind of awkward but I mean I am I say some thing but yeah
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I feel like I'd wait till in the middle of both like you don't want to tell him too early because I do think it's kind of fun when you're first off dating somebody to try to figure each other out on your own
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But like clearly tell him like what turns you on and turns you off in the beginning but like when it goes deeper just allowing them to explode your body to because I feel like that's part of the fun is when you explore and find some thing out
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Find some thing out about your partner that they really truly enjoy and even then they can lead to them figuring out something that you never even thought you enjoyed and then just being directive in the process like hey you know I like when you do this I don't like when you do this
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Yeah that is so true I feel like it kind of like break the ice when you just let things naturally happen in the first round in kind of like the cause you might already do what you like you know what I mean so feel like jumping time looks like OK like can we get there first thing I mean so I will definitely agree with that for sure the explorative part of it is it could be fun and I kind of helps us break the ice with like what goes on in the bedroom
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But I to agree with you on the middle could be fine or like maybe after you guys at least I've been into manner physical with one another after like two times a day OK like he's not gonna get it you know what I mean like cause they're not gonna read your mind I was like your reaction while it's happening if people aren't like really paying attention and they're kind of in the moment they're not gonna know unless you say some thing and then I cannot do that fake and he'll throw them off and I think they're doing a job and they're really terrible
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It's important to do it early and you Gotta know what you're compatible with you Gotta know what the other person likes you Gotta know that way you like it's gonna be mad at least 75% so not necessarily first eight to chat but by date five they gotta know what you're into
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I definitely think the fact that is valid however some people sleep but there's people on the first date but if you listen to the girl I think it's analyst Floyd I'm off I'm saying I'm probably butchering her name but anyways she said she made a great point where she's kind of like in the beginning stages it's fine just to come to explore and like see if they're already good at like why you might already like that you'll never really now and then after that or maybe they gave a timer two and then you're OK like hey I don't like when you do this but I do like in today
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So I feel like it definitely just depends but I feel like if you do take your time like or by 585 is like you're oh I'm gonna you know I'll give him some timeframe then I think it's just per case like some people to three days or like how you said five or like you know if I really just want to feel amounts he likes to break the ice and explore to see what you're into versus not it's just a lot of factors that play into it but I think the sooner the better for sure
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Oh yeah that's definitely what I meant like I wasn't saying like five days definitely because I definitely banged my husband on our second date but I'm just saying like by then if you haven't talked about it it's definitely something that you need to talk about because clearly if you're five dates and like it's going to go somewhere and that conversation just needs to happen so that's just all I meant
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No the second day bang the guy you're talking to so I can get a husband I'm just taking notes girl cause the single life is really got all the info has pissing it but I am also a firm believer of you know I'm just at the vibes in the connections are there I just don't see why not why not talk about it especially if you guys are gonna be on the physical level in addition to like dating and things like that I'm all for it but congrats on getting your husband girl Gonna be like you
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I definitely feel like it's best to have these discussions early on because if you wait too long to say something Somebody might get their feelings hurt. So in the beginning definitely talk about what you like and what you don't like that way you guys can start off good and then keep getting better from there.
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Yes I won thousand percent agree because literally if you go like six months and you like someone I mean I don't know why you would wanna have a terrible sex for six months but you know I'm saying if you do wait a long time you know they're going to get comfortable thinking you're like you know like some girls how they like to fake orgasms and stuff like I don't do that so like if you would do that for like six months anytime like you actually don't like that they're gonna be so confused and offended that you've been faking it officially man so yeah I agree
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Honestly in my opinion once you start being physical with that person you should start putting down your expectations because if they're not doing some thing that you want like now what makes you think they're going to be doing at six months from now you kind of have to like figure out what each other like and if you're down to do that or else don't waste each others time
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Oh I 1000% agree with you honestly I personally feel as though there's no need in wasting any time the moment we get physical after the first time we realize oh I wish you were dead a little more than I was really like I think we need to have a discussion post for succession it's kind of like let's just rip the Band-Aid off especially if it's some thing you really don't like but you really really really really like the person it's time so I agree with you
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Not low-key there's not necessarily a good time for her because like what if what if she comes out you talk Muslim let me spit in your butt crack what are you gonna say to that
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That was a little dramatic but I mean some girls I've been to that said so you're absolutely right I feel like in that moment you're just gonna have to break that to be like yeah no that's not happening but you can do this you know what I mean like you can spit on his dick or something I guess or you gonna act like just let it be known because I'm not about to just play along with what you like just because it's our first time having sex absolutely not especially with something I'm definitely not into you
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I don't know, I think as early as you want, as early as you feel comfortable too.
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That's how I feel the earlier the better the later the way that's like the last happy you'll be about the physical aspects of your relationship or situation safer whatever it is I think the sooner the better honestly because why way I mean especially you guys gonna be physical there's just no point waiting
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So I am I love this question as a man I always tell my other male friends ask right away I mean obviously maybe not the first thing we talk about before you do anything ask questions that's how you get to learn in person it makes it easier for you to satisfy somebody and then in return she gets to know you too But yeah it shouldn't be a puzzle
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Personally I agree with you because yeah not the first thing you guys talk about but if you guys happen to stumble upon into that conversation I feel like you're an adult and like there's nothing wrong about speaking about sex Especially it's gonna take everyone to feel comfortable speaking about it I don't think anything's wrong with talking about what you to enjoy in the bedroom because it just kind of makes sense you guys up for success the day it does happen if you are to ever cross that bridge so I agree
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Yep, there you go.
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