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It's been on my mind for a while because I'm considering getting a new phone. But the thing is, there's nothing wrong with my phone. Nothing wrong with my phone. Just the camera isn't as good as in your iPhones and your Samsung's, right? Because I have a Samsung and I just don't do it. I don't work with iPhones. Sorry. Don't fight me. But like, yeah. So later I've been feeling bad about it because I was like, oh, you know, my hobby is photography, but I've been feeling like I can't like continue with my hobby because my camera, my phone's camera's not that good. But then they have been seeing like different people's like pictures and stuff. when they talk about their phones and their cameras. Like it's either like an old digital camera or like a phone like an old Samsung like a something something or an S8 like a phone that's older than mine or you know an XR or a 7 and I'm just like oh these are really good pictures. So the thing is they're color grading and they're editing like the editor, they're really good at editing from like what do you think matters more? editing or sorry camera quality or editing
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