Hello, how are you guys? How are you? Damas and horsemen, the question is the following, what is your favorite character of fiction? Whether it's a movie, a series, a book, a comic, a video game or whatever it touches, that character you especially like above any other and that is supposed to be less than an inspiration for all of you. I encourage you to tell me one or several of them in case you can't sing for one, just as it is my case, since, well, I'm a very cinephile, very serial, I also like video games a lot and I'm a book devourer in every way. So imagine the amount of hundreds of thousands of infinite characters that I love and that they transmit me all kinds of wonderful values. So, I don't know, I'm from first-class characters like James Bond, as far as movies are concerned, a character I love, In terms of series, maybe Tommy Shelby, the Peaky Blinders, or Ragnar Lothbrook, the Vikings, and as for video games, very quickly the Link, the Dane O'Celda, is also a character that seems to me, as much less heroic and wonderful. That said, as always, I hope you are wonderful and succulent. un saludo y un fuerte abrazo.