Dharma Ghost Last thing i would be is a humanist. Dogs are humanists. I’m just not, nor will i ever be, THAT into humans. You guys disappoint me... daily 🙄Seguir00CompartirCopiar enlace del post
Dharma Ghost "I wouldn't be caught dead in a humourless meme. But who knows, I've been known to make exceptions. - ". [Not Grouch. Not a meme. Not found in a letter to Guido. And never never on a Sunday. ]
Dharma Ghost I’m 54 on the 15th. And these were my people growin up. All walks all colors,species, all materials. It’s the foundation of unity I’ve clung to during progress or set back. Can you show me how2 love?
Dharma Ghost You may think your Nickle slick but really you’re just a prick when you objectify women in your narcisistic attempts of humor thatt you hope will offend others cause that’s how you hide you’re patheti
Dharma Ghost I think this is one of the most beautiful couples out there. It’s such a joy watching these two
Dharma Ghost Ten things that would make you too cool for this place. Ignore it... Don’t try this on a flat earth or you’d flip your lid...
Dharma Ghost Ancient Minilythic structures found in PNW -proving your momma was, still is, and she gonna always be, a Ho. Yeah . You heard me, bish. Thank you for ruining the app that wasn’t needing you, stupido
Dharma Ghost There goeth thy Easter Rabbit. What would you like to tell Him, before He’s gone? Don’t cry,He’ll be back again, on the first Sunday after Spring’s first Full Moon. There’s a Rabbit on the Moon, too!!
Dharma Ghost What I’ve done so far today... launching myself out of the personal hell I’m still in with music...
Dharma Ghost If you were to describe yourself as a bowl of cereal, what kinda cereal would you be? Follow your answer up with telling us why, if you’d like... 💜🕉👻
Dharma Ghost When your parents took you to see Santa Claus, as a kid (or perhaps as a young adult?) Were you scared? Or were you way more into Xmas than the stooge under the beard? #xmasmemories #sandyclaws