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Shaun Cade 473d
Shaun Cade
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Caleb Adams
Jay Dee
Nico Robin 473d
Nico Robin
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Caleb Adams
Nico Robin
Caleb Adams
Nico Robin
Caleb Adams
Nico Robin
Nico Robin
Caleb Adams
Nico Robin
Marco 473d
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Caleb Adams
Leo Durney 473d
Leo Durney
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Caleb Adams
Leo Durney
Caleb Adams
Leo Durney
Zz 473d
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Caleb Adams
Caleb Adams
Caleb Adams
Caleb Adams
Leo Durney 473d
Leo Durney
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Tiana 473d
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Caleb Adams
Ya mama 473d
Ya mama
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Kolton Campbell
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Jae 473d
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Caleb Adams
Caleb Adams
Hi hear me out you know how water makes stuff wet right is water it's self wet or does it just make other things work like yeah technically
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So then why do you lie I get what you're saying if water is wet like then it's fire hot like when you put it on something it just burns never hot like it doesn't sweat anything so I can buy
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You fucking blow my mind right now bro holy shit cause like if you're hot you sweat so shit so far can't be hot yo your real one bro you're like
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Are you talking about then obviously fires half my gosh please tell me you put your hand if I honestly don't feel he is releasing releasing energy if we doing
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No water is not wet if you say no sweat yeah fucking dumb ass bitch thank you
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You're lying all I JJ you sound gay as fuck
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And yo mama
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At least I have a fucking dad you lonely ass bitch suck my dick and get off this app you fucking ******
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Again, your mama. The fuck?
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Exactly you can't say anything else bro like your mama fuck and go fuck Yeah that is fucking Fagge is better we need to build like some light
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All right I'm gonna say this once and once only Nicki you mad weird I don't know how to fuck you got from is water wet to this whole topic but actually grow the fuck up you're 14 years old try and at least ask your fucking age
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And I understand that you're basically still a fucking child, but you should have the brain capacity to understand and comprehend certain things. So go ahead and use that fucking knowledge in your head if you have any for that fact, and do something with it.
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GGU suck ass foot But I do you dumb asshole because water is wet is been what you were drinking out loop your drink in the road because we both know you
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I did not understand a damn thing you just said.
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No, bro.
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Just cause everyone is in 15 seconds of utter silence You're a fuck keeps on texting me Brooke
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Alright, here's my here's my take on this so basically water itself is not wet But it's also like it's I don't know what the fuck just shut the hell up, okay?
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No bro this you were supposed to say that you can't dry off water like if you try to dry off what is gonna make whatever you're using try it off but you can try other things that are wet so no worries no it just went through
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Now because like like think about it like with a mullet she wasn't like those like a quantum physics in the mechanics like the hypotenuse triangle right like with it like with the hypotenuse triangle in like a fucking quantum physics and a wife is a necklace be in fuck in the gravitational pool deck
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No broke so when you turn your television and cut the grass and then you can mow another guys lawn once that water is wet you turn on your speaker you play some gas gas music and then look up quantity can pick a pick a pick up
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My brother said they don't understand like the trigonometry with the fucking with the eight with the acorn inside that one house that was like doing that fucking magic trick one time or they're on their skateboard trying to go to the market Ross for the guy but I caught him in the actor like he was he was really trying to but he was really trying
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Actually had an argument brought up to me and I was like water is sticky and you know I was kind of like that low-key makes sense so now I believe water is sticky but I do think it's also wet so it's like a sticky way you have it I'm talking about
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All right yeah I'll shoot the way you can't dry off water so it's not wet if you try to dry off water he's going to get the towel wet but if you dry or something that is already wet it's
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That's exactly the point it's like it's like glue like it's sticky you do you get what I mean like if you like it like sticks onto whatever you put it on and it's like it's wet but it's like sticky
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Siri I think you're talking about Siri Because it seems like you're nothing what are sticky I'm at the spiciness taking Shit yeah
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No no I'm not no you see a water is sticky you're just not I like the same brain wave as me TBH
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No, no, no, listen, water is not sticky. There's still that absorbed water, but it's not sticky. You know what I'm saying?
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If you truly like genuinely think about it isn't obsorbing kind of like sticking like it's absorbing but it's sticking to the towel is it fucking not it's sticking to your hair it's sticky I am so so
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So you're saying when I get my hair wet, right? My hair's sticky. That's what you're saying. That is what you're saying.
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Man what I'm saying is your hair is wet right and you put a towel on it and the water goes in the salad it absorbs it basically it's sticking onto the towel and out like it's sticking there that's what absorbing is isn't it like it's just
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Hi bro. Here are you already at the molecular standpoint right so basically we have like the like the long of a goal option option but she cannot stay in motion to act by minor force fuck in Newtonville gravity with a hypotenuse
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No, but my pussy wet.
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See, I'm going to need proof.
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Oh water is not wet somethings but you can dry it you can dry water is changes form
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Hypothetically water is not wet because if water was wet that would be water droplets on top of water and as you can see if that does not happen
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Water ain't wet but I could make you wet. I'm kidding.
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OK see you don't have a pussy I don't know how you got me wet but like in google Hey Siri ghost oh my God
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The end of that and I was just plucking.
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You got my hopes up and shit I see it is bro no no no no Jose
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What do you mean your hopes that I get up
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