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The Grinch 543d
The Grinch
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Kishiesty 542d
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Raeann 541d
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Aaron Lawrence
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Telia Taylor 541d
Telia Taylor
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Z Motion 541d
Z Motion
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Aaron Lawrence
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Morgan 541d
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Miracle 541d
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Jazz Enid 420d
Jazz Enid
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So I know there's a lot of nonsense on the app but I'm gonna make this a therapy session so reply to this whatever it is that you want to talk about it can be something deep and personal it can be just you wanna share your perspective or maybe you want a deeper perspective on something shared below and me and other people reply
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Man, I am not opening up in this app. Hell nah, bro.
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All right I'm open up to y'all so I want a situation where I really don't like my family because they're just narcissist toxic I can't really live with them so I'm going to a shelter soon
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And you know I feel like I'm on the right path personally going to the shelter because they're going to teach me life skills and there's only like six residents so it's not really that much and my mother on the other hand she has a whole Nother opinion
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And she just refused to help with the whole situation knowing I need like certain information to get into this program/shelter and so my step mom is helping me am I wrong or right and installation like y'all tell me
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PS I'm like the black sheep of the family the middle child because I'm always telling the truth now don't like the truth so like they always like see you something wrong with me are you it is it
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I'm so tired of trying to tell this kid how I feel and try to explain it and tell him how to operate with me and tell him how I operate three years down the fucking Lonnie only rumors my McDonald's order and I'm the bad person because I'm tired and I'm being a bitch because I like the patience now I've been trying for so fucking long
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OK this isn't really the place to do that because I've only got 15 seconds to speak but what I really wanna talk about is Neil pronouns and how they're stupid argue with me if you want and you know we can debate or something like that it'll be fine whatever yeah yeah
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I mean I feel like it should matter whether you think it's stupid or not it's just what makes other people comfortable I always live by do whatever the fuck you wanna do it's not my business
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Heavy on the nonsense on this app that I had to stop to respond to just that part because I just need we need if we need to do better
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I'm black Quit all my jobs I don't know how I'm supposed to pay the bill Rap
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I really need somebody sorry I already did assignment here but when I want like somebody to tell me or even to roast me to just get me to just to get me up and do my hygiene stuff it's really part
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I've been a year and a half long relationship with this guy and he's super sweet I love him I care about him but everything he does has started to annoy me like it never used to before but now everything he does annoys me like even the sweet stuff
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Yeah you're falling out of love that
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I literally hate my job it's making me feel miserable I feel like I have no social life because of it I have no free time on my hands because of how much I'm working I work on the fucking weekends which I hate I just fucking hate it
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