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Alexa Machado 564d
Alexa Machado
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Does money improve mental health?
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To some extent yes because you don't, if you have enough of it you don't have to worry about like paying your bills on time and all of that stuff and so your stress level and anxiety level is definitely going to be lower.
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Honestly I think that it can if you know how to manage it and everything's going well but I also think that it can be toxic and just add more and more problems
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Not necessarily, there are people who are very well off who still struggle with mental health and I can understand that not having enough for your daily provisions can cause extra stress that would exacerbate mental health issues, but I don't see having money as the cure-all for men.
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I guess it depends on why your mental health is in the state that it is. If it's there at least partially because you If you don't have enough money to live a decent life, then sure, it could help.
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I think that's a really interesting question. I don't think money itself can improve mental health, but what you can do with money, yes, I think can improve it because maybe you could get the help you need.
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I think for summit can depending on the reasons why your mental health is the way that it is or you depressed because you're broke and yeah it might but sometimes it doesn't
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Move with the pens man depends I feel like your tone extent money can improve mental health especially nowadays in society where are you know a lack of money and you know people struggling financially is the root cause of a lot of problems that can then litre in a certain mental health issues so so yeah AAA to understand
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I feel like money definitely improves mental health because we all know whenever we don't have money we are struggling, stressed out, trying to figure out how bills are going to get paid, how we're going to get groceries, our essentials, and you know, things like that. So money definitely helps because it takes away the stress of trying to figure out how you're going to just get the basic things that you need for survival.
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Absolute is going to give you so much confidence about yourself.
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I don't agree to that but the thing is that true money you can better human mental health in a way that you can see therapist quite often you can buy things that can make you happy you can eat stuff that can make you happy so at some point it does matter but it does not give you a complete mental piece so but scientifically it can do good to your
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