Broken Record What Would You Do if you were homie in the yellow and this was the “love” of your life? #Dentist #Anesthesia #UnderTheInfluence #Truths #fy #Popular #BrokenRecord #BRPosts #funny #RedFlags
Bego Davila ¿Qué prefieres, un trabajo que odias pero pagan muy bien o uno que te encanta pero pagan fatal?
Bego Davila Soleis acordaros de vuestros sueños? Habeis tenido alguna experiencia de sueños lucidos, viaje astral o paralisis del sueño?
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Vader Comic Corner to Wonder Woman...“The next 100 years will see the beginning of an American matriarchy, a nation of Amazons in the psychological, rather than the physical sense.” ~ Dr. Williams Marston