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Maurice 344d
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And Another Thing With Dave
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ꨄ𖣔𖣔N 343d
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Destinee hawley
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Yizzy Da Boy 343d
Yizzy Da Boy
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Wazaply 342d
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Bison 342d
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And Another Thing With Dave
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And Another Thing With Dave
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NIna 341d
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Hey, Dreamy, shout out to you. Excellent question and very powerful message from Hustle Gems. I'll definitely have to check his stuff out on TikTok. Thank you for the knowledge drop here. So for me, what is something I'm appreciative for in life? I'm appreciative for my life's journey. It has been incredibly difficult in a lot of ways, but I've grown and I've learned and I've aged in wisdom.
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A lot of what I've been through has afforded me the ability to make two choices. Either I sit in my trauma and I let it affect me, or I take my trauma and I turn it into something valuable, something worthwhile, right? Meaning that I take the weapons that have been formed against me and I turn it into something that's to my benefit. I heal from it. I grow from it.
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Everything that I've been through has taught me and is teaching me. It's aging my spirit well, and I feel like I'm being turned into fine cheese. Fine wine, you know. And I'm appreciative of it. I still have a ways to go in my life. I'm not done learning and growing and changing.
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I'm not done with my life. I would like to see myself grow into an elderly woman, be alive in her hundreds, you know, being able to teach the younger generation because I went through it the hard way, you know what I mean, in a lot of ways. I'm grateful for my journey in life. I'm grateful my spirit chose to be here. I'm grateful for my children.
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I'm grateful for my children because they are a part of my journey and being able to raise them in wisdom, raise them to have it better than me, have life better than me, you know, I'm breaking generational trauma and I am giving them a life where they don't have to break so much trauma generationally. I'm taking care of that.
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I want my children to be able to have the life that generations before me should have had, right? That I should have had in my earlier years. I want them to be raised with wisdom, be raised with not so many difficulties, you know, as I have had. And I want them to be able to pass that on to their loved ones.
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What I mean by that is I want my children to, when they have their families one day, I want them to have the fruits of my labor. And I'm happy to take on the task to give them that future. I strive to give that to them now, you know, so anyway, great question.
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Hello, Dreamy. I hope you're having a good day. First of all, I just want to say that this cover is very nice. It brought a tear to my eye. Something that I'm appreciative for is my family. Without them, I would be nothing. Have a good day.
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I like animals. I connect with animals a lot and nature.
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