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Stereo Legend 317d
Stereo Legend
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Sly Williams 321d
Sly Williams
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Big Tam Tam
Lula Aka Lolabunny
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Lula Aka Lolabunny
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Lula Aka Lolabunny
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Lula Aka Lolabunny
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Big Tam Tam
Lula Aka Lolabunny
Lula Aka Lolabunny
Prototype A 321d
Prototype A
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TheCashBrat 320d
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Bunny Jay 318d
Bunny Jay
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BiG ZOMBiE ll 317d
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I have a question. Holly weird is crazy. So why, when we see things like this, another woman has accused him. And why don't we come together and like stop this shit? Like, is this what we're just used to now? Always Hollywood. This is what they do. They assault women or they touch children. And like, we do not go into a full blown rage about things. Kiki Palmer's boyfriend just didn't like her outfit and we jumped on his throat. People tell y'all what trace trace ons is doing crickets. Like, as a group of humans beings, do we not give a fuck about things like this? So we only care selective caring? Oh, yeah, that's right. Yeah, that's right.
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I'm at a loss for words. Hey, Tammy. Hey, girl. I'm so sick of him. I'm sick of trick-or-treat. If these people don't band together and stop this neat... You know what? Never mind.
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Hey Sly Lovely, girl, I just, we hear so many of these stories, but yet this is not what we get outraged about, or this is not the people we cancel, because what, we like his music? Child. I think I got to do something about this, I got to do something about this. Ah, Sly Lovely on the line.
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Hey Sammy, I don't think that we think that it's normal. Nobody think that a man that has racked up this many sexual assaults is normal. But what is not normal is that every woman that come out with these accusations, they don't push for jail time. They want to check. They don't push for jail time. That's why he's getting away with it. So many times if these women actually push for jail time,
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As long as you're being, as long as you're getting paid, are you okay with letting this man get over with sexually assaulting all these women? And my question is, it's all over the news, it's all over the blogs, people are always talking about it. How do you end up in the position with this guy? I was sexually assaulted at 14 years old in the bathroom. I was raped. I ain't gonna say sexually assaulted. Let's call the police.
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And I've been I'm up to here with motherfucking trade songs but I'm also up to here with every time a woman comes out with an accusation and It goes to trial the next day, you know He didn't got all because the women asking for a check like child child throw this man in jail Throw this man in jail if all these women came together and advocated for actual jail time
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I'm pretty sure it'll stick but at this point every time I hear about it. I'm like, okay She gonna get this motherfucker locked up. She gonna be the one to get this motherfucker locked up And then when it comes out that you know, it was about I'm like, oh, come on now y'all Come on now. I'm rooting for y'all. I'm actually one of the women that's over here like Lock that motherfucker up send him under the jail and then
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girl if they came together activated and and it was very active and vocal about jail time and stopping this would be great but we're too busy on here fighting for what we can wear and will be and how we don't over it sexualize me don't overanalyze me we're about the wrong things we should be stopping this shit this is the shit we should be stopping this is the shit we should be vocal about this is the shit that we so-called the so-called feminist movement I know what like
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Tammy, you know, like I was saying the few of us that are vocal about it because shit like this almost has me in tears Cuz like I said, I was raped in the bathroom in my high school at the age of 14 and so shit like this really bothers me sometimes I use sleep on it and Those of us they all voke about it people are telling us well Why y'all so mad if the women that he's doing it to keep going over there in hopes of?
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If the women that keep going over there all they talking about is a check and a payment Why send him to jail when these women are asking for money and at this point For those of us that really advocate for shit like this that want to see motherfuckers locked up It's a flip side when you have women Purposely putting themselves in this position to get a check Like I
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I mean, in reality, we should just come together, right now, over life, life, that's not just human. Peace.
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