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Ash • 574d
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Epotheboss • 574d
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Wolf the third • 574d
Wolf the third
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Wolf the third
Wolf the third
Wolf the third
Wolf the third
Wolf the third
Wolf the third
Gelöschtes Mitglied
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Wolf the third • 574d
Wolf the third
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Wolf the third
Wolf the third • 574d
Wolf the third
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Wolf the third • 574d
Wolf the third
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Jack Logan • 574d
Jack Logan
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Mikey • 574d
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Sean Mikula • 574d
Sean Mikula
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Hello everybody good morning evening afternoon I don't I don't know but this is a really serious serious matter I have a question for all the mamas me my pappas peepaws um my son Billy he's getting frustrated with me I told him to turn the turn the game console off do his homework and he told me he yelled at me in my face saying shut up and go to your room and you need some I know I'm sorry that I cursed on here, but he said that I don't know where he gets it from I don't know if it's school. He's in private school. Should I just home school him? I don't know what to do, but I believe in gentle parenting, but I need I need it's been an ongoing thing He always says this to me always says this kind of stuff He never comes down for dinner anymore and all he cares about is that darn game and I don't know what to do anymore I just I just can't take it. I can't take it It's gonna kill me, but I love Billy with all my heart and it's sad seeing him like this I hope that he's not on drugs like his uncle His uncle drew was on drugs and I just don't want him to end up like him I'm sorry y'all, but it's just really hard. It's really hard, you know Just give me some tips and tricks, please. All the mamas, memos, babes, bee balls whatever. Mama's dad is I don't I don't know just I need some help. Ace out. Okay Bye now. Thank you.
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People live a shit out of that kid.
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If he talks back then something must snap
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Well if it's noon in a hard time does the term gym time to cool down on down if you don't want to do his homework done for them just let me know him please game what time
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Good night thing that you could do is have a heart to heart conversations Gem of your shoulders and them just know how your heart
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Removed usually just come to our house is organs are you what to do
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I'm not saying I'm tired that is that if you want to add yourself that's an arms way you can actually him know Thompson like an actual person
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Atlanta Braves game that's on replay beats the game just some lunch play another game I'm tired that
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Don't have to do the sub-work at the time.
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What is the mind your time to do some work the morning to be turned back in the face seven I want to have your weight
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God damn she only asked me to fuck a bitch your goddamn self fuck you Michael save them damn keys looking like that I'm sorry
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if your son is on tour that way, just dont take away his playstation or anything like that Nord GameCube, why would it say yes? Don't take it away.
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If you do something like that, you'll never forgive you.
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Because it's gonna begin in 13 more if you're doing some young gym time to cool down later on the Pearson messages but also just doesn't do his homework at the time
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But also being a mom that you really want to be a kind person sometimes he listens
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Kill him kill him
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Yeah girl I help you I don't really think we need to just be that boy over it's making me with a roast baby that's what I'm a take
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