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Gelöschtes Mitglied
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Donovan Haro
Kai 427d
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Donovan Haro
Kai 427d
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Donovan Haro
Donovan Haro
Donovan Haro
Kai 426d
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Kai 426d
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Donovan Haro
Kai 426d
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Donovan Haro
Kai 426d
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Gelöschtes Mitglied
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Donovan Haro
DaddyMaddy 426d
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Donovan Haro
Be fr nga
Joseph 426d
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Donovan Haro
Do workout legs too
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Wird konvertiert...
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Are you really on that grind though, my sir? Why are you posting in the gym? You're supposed to be working out. I know it took 30 seconds to post. You could have done like three, eight, and ten reps in that amount of time, man. You know what I'm saying? Strive for greatness, fear for Akron.
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Well I know it's a hell of a lot better than sitting in your room lip-synching songs you feel me bro but no I don't I don't take pictures every single work out I get that no it's just because I'm posting pictures my dog doesn't mean that I'm always like on my phone in the gym bro like got a look at it like that my homey
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A email saying I miss you in my room listening a song and smoking sometimes I have it all wrong N and I do calisthenics cause I play sports I don't wanna be big but you your beefcake man you you can't run to a certain extent you won't be able to run out to be faster you run run track solution say in survival flight or flight I can do both and you can barely do want you don't send me your pay your meat head but are you gonna be able to touch me man are you able to run from the killer
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CC in a situation where we have to escape what are you therefore you're not there for shit in the situation we got a live shit I mean maybe you're there for something but other than that man you're not really your physique isn't really needed in this world you know saying in and you're at planet fitness you're not at world fitness you're at planet fitness what are the other eight bitch ass
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Well said well said I don't even consider myself a meathead to be honest I'm 175 so I'm still down in that kind of tear which means yeah I'm at planet and I'm like back-and-forth between powerhouse so I mean I don't know I just do what I want it's still a gym Homie you just got a view it like that is still a gym and matters how hard you work and
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Where are you just chasing a complete different dream that I am bro so we're we're not equals we're different people
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I hear you meathead How my fucking guys tell me how you gain weight bro I'm stuck at 1:30 and I don't like that because I gain weight and I lose it really fast like I can gain like 4 pounds today but I'm gonna lose it in an hour so I need help with that and I am You fucking meet it like you just make me you make me wonder like you just make me wonder
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Are you we made you like go to gym were you bullied like a fat ass cause I know you didn't know no you must if we got bullied that's my that's my reasoning I don't feel like you got bullied because like you want 75 in 175 with no muscle just fat ass so
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And yeah you you are correct I was picked on and like like in middle school for being really skinny actually I wasn't fat but I was really really skinny so it took me actually a long time but it's working out so far
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I'm just an event to you right now because I'm a little hard I hate this bitch so much man I really do but I miss his bitch so much I miss the tires I have is businessman is this like it was like I really liked her man she was so cool it's like it's nothing she did wrong what she did a lot of bullshit wrong I hate that bitch a little bit but like I missed the times like I miss cuddling and shit and that's weird for me to say cause I'm a hater
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I miss the days where I would just come home after school and call or are the times you do some bogus shit and I'll be on the bus high sale leaning on her shoulder hugging her because like that's some real like love bro like I'm just tell me when to our each other phones in case each other out and went back to love man I miss the days man I miss days but I hate that bitch hate that bitch so much it's been so damn bogus I fucking hate that bitch
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Yeah this bitch space still got my hoodie my hoodie has my fucking name on it why would you want my hood if you know he's gonna do some bogus like that you dirty bitch I hate this bitch man but I miss times with the bitch you get what I'm saying
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Bro, you got this. You got this, bro. You just gotta be the man. You just gotta act like you don't care. You just gotta do your thing like, like how I'm doing my thing. Do your thing, man. Harness it and take it on to the next level. Just forget, man, cause you're the man.
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You are right white boy you're all right all right you're very you're very positive why are the bodybuilder so damn nice I made fun of another bus I didn't make fun of them and I was like you're not really on the ground cause I did the same shit with you but will I find more voice messages and he was all like Bro stop being toxic bro I only talk to people get Haterade and I was like you're right man what's your name and then yeah he's a cool dude I'm saying you're cool dude
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This weed is kinda get it to me and he's a smoker do you think I can go to the gym and smoke at the same time goes I'm gonna go with my friend and we're gonna make fun of a bunch of fat people does an animal saying I'm not fat phobic we just make fun of people who were high rate 24 seven like at school we Hisle just making fun of people but episodes appointment Do you think I can just go to the gym and smoke like like be high at the gym
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Like while I'm high do you think I can just work out and have a good stamina do you think that's possible cause I want regular play sports on my trial for wrestling make sure because I have long arms I think that's gonna help me away do you think I can just like be high in resolution
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Bro, I can literally see your bones, chill out.
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Wird konvertiert...
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Bro is on the grind to get shredded keep up the good work man
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