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Connor Duffey 449d
Connor Duffey
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Connor Duffey
Connor Duffey
Cailin 449d
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Hope 449d
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Hope 449d
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Hope 449d
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Princess 449d
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Willow 449d
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Koyou 449d
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Prophet 449d
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Kaysey Clarke 449d
Kaysey Clarke
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Kaysey Clarke
Kaysey Clarke
Kaysey Clarke
Kaysey Clarke
Okay, so, my best friend, she's a girl, got into this big fight with this girl, she's like, the mean girl, I might also have to make a part 2, um, but she's like the mean girl, she's friends with all the teachers, and so she made up this bomb ass lie, and said that my best friend had vapes in her backpack, and we don't support that shit, and so like, she got, um, and so, hold on, I gotta make a part 2.
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Alright, so this is a part two. Um, so what happened was Yes, she got ISS and then I actually ratted on the girl that got her and she got like everything in the sad thing is that teacher was my favorite teacher and She was like hold on I gotta make a part three Jesus
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And so this teacher like got all of their social media and favorited them on all of them But blocked me and my my best friend and it got so on my nerves, bro. Oh my god I damn near reported her to the freaking school district, but I did it because she I liked her She was a good teacher
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I stopped and played Call of Nuts all around the school, and then the teacher found out, and then the whole school found out.
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this isn't my drama but this is like this drama I know about so this girl she was like 14 she's like 8th grade and she got pregnant by a super senior and I guess they try to run off with each other because their parents found out and I don't know what happened next but like that kind of just happened and I know about it so
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Can I just say, does anyone else have that bitch in their school, who always tries to get involved with anyone else's drama? Yeah, I'll give you an example, so I'm not going to name her and shame her, because like, I'm more respectful than that, unlike her. Anyway, so one of my friends, or I say one of my toxic friends, we're always like friends one moment and then not friends the next, because she keeps on starting shit that she doesn't need to start. Anyway, I'm getting off topic. So basically, this one girl, like, she's trying to...
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Okay, it wasn't long enough, I'll carry on. So this one bitch was trying to back up my friend because allegedly what I said was I'm gonna beat her up and I'm gonna kill her. Me, being the respectful person I am, I'm not gonna do that. I have more respect for people than that. And then this girl randomly came up to me about two months after this alleged incident happened and said, so you gonna apologize to her or what? And I went, bitch, what the fuck are you talking about? And then she was like, oh my God, honestly, she was.
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Mate, honestly, she looked like an idiot. She literally went up to me and said, you're gonna apologize? And I went, what for? She said, and then she literally repeated, like, everything that apparently happened. And she said, I swear to God, if you ever talk like her, talk like that to her again, I'm gonna beat you up. And I'm like, who gives you the right, one, to say that to me, and two, to make false accusations? And then, apparently, she had all this shit on me, and I'm like, what the fuck? Then I asked her for proof, and she...
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Yeah so basically I asked her for proof and she couldn't fact any of the stuff that she was saying and then I said just shut your mouth and leave it and then she left it and then two days later she came up to me when I was changing in the changing rooms with other people around saying I swear to god if you're gonna beat her up again I'm gonna beat you first and I just went what the fuck are you talking about like I thought we finished this and she said no because you didn't say sorry like you said that you would and I'm like I literally said to her face
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like why would i say sorry for something i didn't do like i respect people i don't respect you one because you don't respect me back and two i'm not gonna respect liars and then she called me a fucking bitch because apparently i was lying and she said i don't respect liars and i said she's like i don't like liars and i don't respect them either and i said mate i don't like you either or respect you so get out of my face and sit down the rest of the day she's just shut up
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