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Mia 376d
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Pop 376d
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Bella Grace 376d
Bella Grace
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Makaylee Brock
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Hello I'm just gonna do this as this email no tags or nothing like that this is gonna be a street record even though I do do that most of those by Macklemore you are too kind to go back and just make sure my questions a little bit good for y'all to understand and all that shit so I'm already messing up but with all that being said how awkward are y'all motherfuckers I would consider myself like that we are but I feel like I am a little bit like mad in a way but my there's a method to my madness another great way to say that but I also would say like you know in general I'm different I think I'm different from a lot of other people but in that retrospect even with just being different as a parent I think even when it comes to certain things I can see myself like Bridget Jones like I can come in to these awkward Different scenarios where I don't know how to put it it's just like you know you can go into space to some people to some leads to this note awkward silence awkward just discussion to the retrospect or just generally awkward end and sometimes I don't know how to in the conversation that I would say that is my guilty thing that I do that's awkward let me to stay on and with that being said I might just keep talking until this thing you know doesn't record anymore but yeah if you're awkward let me know I really wanna hear it be as vulnerable as you can be and also as lovely as well true authentic and bronze wins sunny
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I'm not going to be faultin' my... I can't even make a canter. I can't tell you what people in fuckin' blood will eat. In shit, like I look down and I follow the people who I'm like... Should be faultin'
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Girl I get it I get it I'm very excepting of like different dialects and my thing is I also you know to do with the cussing and stuff like that don't you don't cuss at me and also I can tell when it's just like a term of endearment because I say bitch a lot to the people be getting mad at me because I don't call me a bitch I'm like no I means I love you like you that bitch like you know but let me know use that but you know some bitches I head bitch in charge
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No, man. Last night? Last night? I don't... I got what you... I got... you
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And the alpha and the red and the white Together we do whatever it takes in this path alive A-hoo! We are the night, we are the night, we are the night We are the night, we are the night A-Woo!
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I, um, I... The weather outside today, right?
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Yes a good way to you know fill in spaces of paws in silence is to talk about the weather before that being said it's raining off and on today it's not as sunny the best phone bill hold him being that one is good grateful you know Independence Day tomorrow the second Independence Day him I will Browns win sunny
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Hey there I will say that this is a safe space for people to be awkward and I just wanna make sure everybody's comfortable because you know the best way to make everybody feel comfortable who is also awkward is just to be vulnerable and in the general sense like I feel awkward at certain times two I'm also trying to figure out how to change my mother fuck boys on this thing I actually recorded as like three times but it won't change my boys but I love voice actor
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It's okay, you're not alone. I wish they had like an awkward event, some type of, you know, how they have the comms, like, neurocoms, like a bunch of awkward people to show up for like this fucking tech comm. And it's just like, not just for like computer shit, it's just some awkward ass people. And it's like a revenge on the nerds kind of, but we all We all get together, we just all accept each other for who we are.
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