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Adrianna 366d
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Dustie 366d
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Modern Monk 366d
Modern Monk
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Modern Monk 366d
Modern Monk
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Josephine Griffith
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Josephine Griffith
Behavior 366d
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Sofia Medrano 366d
Sofia Medrano
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Hannah 366d
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Jonah Ortiz 366d
Jonah Ortiz
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horrible shit man
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How are you all doing? That's a great question. I'm doing great. Thank you for asking. Learning about the mechanics of the universe, 12 immutable laws, learning how to say no politely, sharing that idea. I'm unavailable, nice, easy, concise. Grounding, inflammation, reducing all disease, limits. Life is fun if you want, engage, converse. I'm sad that more people don't do that. How about you?
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So that's a great sentiment and yes you're right a lot of people are struggling. I find that having practical solutions though would be a great addition to your comment and just quickly because there's not a lot of time here it's called the skier's paradox. You can't tell the brain to not do something it only knows action so if the skier's going down the hill it says don't focus don't hit the trees it's gonna focus on the trees and probably hit a tree. If it says let's stay on the path it's gonna focus on the snow and go down the path. There's no sense in looking at the negatives you can only follow the direction and take action through the
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I'm literally not gonna at all because I just got karma so last night my fuckboy not my fuckboy my My friends with benefits came over and we fucked or whatever But he's supposed to say the night and then after we fuck we did whatever right and then I got it And then he was like oh like I think I'm gonna go home tonight 10 minutes after we fucked I'm like are you fucking kidding me right now? Are you kidding me right? And so then I curled up like in the corner because he had to get an Uber to go home.
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Anyway, so we had to get that Uber to go home because I was not about to drive him home, the fuck. And then we finally, like, talked, you know, before he left. And this motherfucker, the only reason why he was going home was because he brought it to bring his dad's and he wanted to play fucking Xbox. I... This man is five years older than me and he left me to go play Xbox.
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I'm doing great! This is so relatable! Oh my god! This is such a great question! How are you doing?
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How do you say just waiting for my day I want to go to each other
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I'm doing terrible, thank you.
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Bro, I'm taking a mean shit right now. So honestly, I'm doing pretty good, bro.
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