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Gelöschtes Mitglied
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Sadie 463d
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Kayden 463d
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Nat 463d
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Artur 463d
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Caydin Hos 463d
Caydin Hos
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Matt 463d
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Ace 463d
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Gelöschtes Mitglied
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So basically, I was like 10 at the time, me, my brother, my dad were all hanging out in his room downstairs. There was a window and it was rainy and we lived by a prison just a little bit back and we heard a knock at the window. My dad pulled his gun out. They didn't even like see, like they didn't even see who it was. who it was, but we've seen footprints when they went looking out there.
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Hey, my ***** finger game on this game's mode. ACM is going to hit my boy. Oh each time let y'all know
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Okay, so I have my best friend Kat. Two years ago we weren't that close, but we were having sleepover basically. I'll just try it off there. So she was like, we were just like talking and sometimes she'll just literally freeze up and just stare outside. It was dark then, like really really dark out. And this is like one of my, I think it's my second time sleeping over. And she'll just stare outside like blank and I'd get so creeped out.
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Yeah, she did that and I didn't get like pretty freaked out. And then she like, I asked her what's wrong and she's like, can't tell you. Weird, right? She said she has to get something. She just walks out of the room and I'm like, okay. She walks back and she's like, there's a guy out there. I was like, what do you mean? She's like, there's a guy sitting in my living room. I was like so freaked out, I was petrified. I was like, what? And then she was like, never mind. She like totally ignored that. OK.
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Okay, part three. I already made a part two. So, she's like, did that. She told me that. And I was like, wait, what? I didn't bother to check because your girl was scared as heck. Then, I was like, okay, okay, okay. She just continued the night doing creepy, creepy stuff. I didn't question it. I didn't know what to do because I was like, this girl's creeping me out. I don't know what to say. So then in the morning, right? I didn't have a good night's sleep because I was still scared. in the morning.
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In the morning she told me there was a creature like some weird skin walker I didn't know what skin walkers were then she told me all about skin walkers. I never slept again She's like there's a skin walker outside on the pool deck And it was crawling around and it was looking at you in the window. I was like, huh girl So like you're gonna be like Natalie. I don't believe this. I don't believe you I didn't believe it either until she decided to show me literally video evidence. I kid you not.
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and she's a year younger than me so I couldn't I was like I don't know I was really freaked out and she showed me like a video not of the creature whatever but like of sounds coming inside like scratching like and like weird sounds that like not an animal would make like some odd creature would make and I was so freaked out I'm like still scared to this day but we still we became closer and turn out she had ADD.
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Smash, smash, smash, smash, ha, smash!
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So I'm playing hide and seek with my cousins and brother my brother was seeking he's like nine at the time and we didn't see him for like 30 minutes so we go to this field behind the house I almost stepped in it and I screamed out to my little brother and I hear them out there like 10 seconds later my brother comes out the house and I'm just wondering why well what that was in the field that I heard
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One time I was hanging out my room with my girlfriend then one of my friends tickled my balls it was so scary I Nutted so hard and not it on his face it was a scary story right there that's a scary story right there
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Okay, so this is a story from my aunt. So apparently at her old house, she had left her bedroom, got it from her bed to do something. And she comes back, goes to walk back into her bedroom, and she sees this dark figure walk towards her. And she thinks it's her husband, well, her husband at the time. and so she stops and then it walks right through.
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One time I was a one time I would write hold up so one time I went known how the one time none of all the one time or this is sca one time I went now I want to have my I
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